• Why was it so important for the President to include that in the proclamation, the two fathers?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Last week two Fathers 4 Justice members held a rooftop protest at York Minster and 12 protesters disrupted a service of the Church of England's General Synod.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Plans for fairer parental access

  • Mr Strasser wonders whether a public school would recognise that his children have two fathers, or if a hospital would allow both of them to visit if one of their children fell ill.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • With a growing number of modern households that consist of two fathers and with many wives out-earning their husbands, perhaps the idea that the woman does it all, all the time, will go the way of the anti-chloroform argument and one day seem quaintly old-fashioned.

    WSJ: Amanda Foreman on the Continued Gender Tug-of-War

  • "Millions of people understand that it's not bigotry to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and it's not right-wing to think that children need a mother and a father, not two mothers and two fathers, " said Gary Bauer, president of American Values, a group opposed to same-sex marriage.

    CNN: Same-sex marriage bans?winning on state ballots

  • Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Minority Leader: Four weeks of paid leave to mothers and two weeks to fathers.

    FORBES: Parental Leave vs. The House of Representatives

  • She decided to take the two girls without their fathers' permission on a flight back to England.

    BBC: News | UK | Abduction battles are no child's play

  • Almost two out of five fathers worked more than 48 hours a week and one in eight worked at least 60 hours, the survey of 7, 500 workers showed.

    BBC: Fathers want more time with children

  • She meets with her students' fathers and grandfathers two or three times a year to address any issues and make sure she still has their buy-in.


  • Our founding fathers solved that problem two hundred and twenty years ago.

    CNN: [answer]

  • I'd love to see United 93 director Paul Greengrass grab the last slot, but it will probably go to Clint Eastwood, whose impressive one-two punch of Flags of Our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima will be impossible for the Clint-worshipping Academy to ignore.

    BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Oscars panel: Scott Williams

  • Two brothers both husbands, fathers, and homeowners had been arrested during a raid on a company where they worked.

    NEWYORKER: Sheriff Joe

  • And the two presidential candidates' relationships with their fathers offer insight into the men they are today.


  • Our grandfathers and fathers fought and died in two world wars to give us freedom to act as we wish.


  • For the past 10 years, statistics show that nearly two-thirds of babies have been born to fathers aged 30 and over.

    BBC: Older fathers: what's behind the trend?

  • The two presidential front-runners are not just loyal to their fathers: they are fixated on them.

    ECONOMIST: A curse on both their houses

  • One of their fathers is too distraught to name all the dead -- two related families, one of which had gone to visit the other.

    CNN: Baby survives as family dies in Syrian onslaught

  • She said two newspapers had picked up her remarks prompting Fathers4Justice, which campaigns for fathers to be given access to their children, to get in touch with her and request a public apology.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • Washington has repudiated two centuries of U.S. fiscal prudence as prescribed by the Founding Fathers in favor of the modern Greek model of debt, dependency, devaluation and default.

    WSJ: David Ranson: The Revenue Limits of Tax and Spend

  • According to research by charity the National Childbirth Trust two out of five (39%) pregnant women and 56% of expectant fathers are now "very" worried that something will be wrong with their baby.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Confused, guilty and pregnant

  • They were so sure they wanted to be fathers that they preemptively moved from a one-bedroom Manhattan apartment to a two-bedroom space in Queens.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Two weeks ago they released their latest title, a high end digital parenting book that caters to mothers and fathers called Ready, Set, Baby!

    FORBES: Is It A Book Or An App? Digital Publishing Combines The Two In A New Medium

  • Thirty years after its birth, the organization will at long last have fulfilled the dream of its founding fathers -- a strategic alliance that encompasses all of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, which joined two years ago.


  • His rise to prominence coincided with his success as the best-selling author of two books, 2004's "Big Russ and Me" and 2006's "Wisdom of Our Fathers, " which documented his journey from blue-collar beginnings to law school to Washington powerhouse.

    CNN: Newsman Tim Russert dies at 58

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