Besides, a more complicated form of government protects the people from a possibly tyrannical legislature.
Like the first Socrates, he saw himself as a gadfly of the tyrannical, lazy or self-satisfied.
In theory and in practice democracies can foster tyrannical majorities, thus making the understanding of natural rights so crucial.
Even so, he's not the caricature of the difficult, arrogant and tyrannical maestro.
Now we have a story about a tyrannical tycoon, Mr. O'Hare, who opposes oxygen-producing trees because they compete with his bottled-air business.
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There, Somjit, a tyrannical housemaid, grudgingly takes her in with a warning to stay far from the mistress of the house, Madame Ranjuan.
Mr. Kramer says a company with Apple ties actually proves that being abrasive and tyrannical don't go hand in hand with innovation and success.
There's the tyrannical Philippe II of Spain, who marries the French princess Elisabeth de Valois, who was originally betrothed to his son Don Carlos.
Jobs was so brilliant that most people seemed to forgive or ignore his tyrannical behavior because we have coveted the fruits of his genius.
Americans did not fight the British Crown in 1776 merely to replace one tyrannical government possessing unlimited, arbitrary power over their lives with another.
The tyrannical acts of the British government in large part consisted of bypassing our legislatures, establishing laws and acting without the consent of our legislatures.
This refers to the sort of tyrannical bride who seethes over details like her bridesmaids' pumps and her tiara's height, terrorising everyone in her path.
But David, working in his library amid Dickensian piles of documents, turns tyrannical, and falls into a funk that's both painful and instructive to behold.
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In an upper-class suburb of Sydney, in 1972, an intelligent and tyrannical old woman named Elizabeth Hunter (Charlotte Rampling) is seriously ill but still conscious of her power.
Actor Bertie Carvel, who received high praise for his performance as the tyrannical headmistress Miss Trunchbull in the West End, has transferred to play the role in New York.
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It was ridiculous and overexposed but irresistible, a heavyweight match of Atlantic coast free-spenders, and for a while it looked as if the two teams would maintain a tyrannical grip.
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Sahira (Ruth Osuna), an Egyptian-American medical student in California, is constrained by her tyrannical father, Mohammed (Wadie Andrawis), to practice a faith that she does not share and to follow repressive social codes that she rejects.
Upon his arrival, he recalls his miserable childhood there: most of the film, told in flashback, shows young Guy (Sullivan Brown) suffering alongside his older sister, Sis (Maya Lawson), in the private orphanage that his tyrannical mother and mad-scientist father ran on the island.