There, Somjit, a tyrannical housemaid, grudgingly takes her in with a warning to stay far from the mistress of the house, Madame Ranjuan.
NEWYORKER: The Unseeable
Now we have a story about a tyrannical tycoon, Mr. O'Hare, who opposes oxygen-producing trees because they compete with his bottled-air business.
WSJ: The Bad! Bad! Bad! Biggering of Dr. Seuss | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten
It was ridiculous and overexposed but irresistible, a heavyweight match of Atlantic coast free-spenders, and for a while it looked as if the two teams would maintain a tyrannical grip.
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Besides, a more complicated form of government protects the people from a possibly tyrannical legislature.
ECONOMIST: State legislatures
But David, working in his library amid Dickensian piles of documents, turns tyrannical, and falls into a funk that's both painful and instructive to behold.
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Like the first Socrates, he saw himself as a gadfly of the tyrannical, lazy or self-satisfied.
ECONOMIST: S��crates
Sahira (Ruth Osuna), an Egyptian-American medical student in California, is constrained by her tyrannical father, Mohammed (Wadie Andrawis), to practice a faith that she does not share and to follow repressive social codes that she rejects.
NEWYORKER: Beyond Honor
Mr. Kramer says a company with Apple ties actually proves that being abrasive and tyrannical don't go hand in hand with innovation and success.
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