The New World's riches solidified Spanish tyranny but nurtured a merchant elite in Britain.
And this is a triumph over the tyranny of television which says "no pictures, no programme".
For example, he has opened the way to freeing moviemakers from the tyranny of escalating costs.
It was hoped that the continent, freed from tyranny, would at last begin to develop.
They have extended the opportunity of self-government to peoples that have suffered tyranny and war.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Fort Hood: "Greatness Before Our Very Eyes" | The White House
The second releases T-Mobile from the potential tyranny that subsidies place on a network operator.
FORBES: T-Mobile's Subsidy Free iPhone Will Bring Transparency To Smartphone Economics
The Founders thus rejected both tyranny and paternalism as encroaching on their sacred liberty.
Indeed, he considers much of modern Islam to be a tyranny of the picayune.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How the Saudis control the voice of Islam in America
Having thrown off the tyranny of the British Empire, the first Americans were understandably skeptical of government.
Addressing the congregation the Archdeacon said that battle was "a victory that promised freedom rather than tyranny".
Think of the port and the white cliffs and you think of freedom and victory over tyranny.
War kills innocents but they are victims of the tyranny, not of the country that removes it.
Throughout time he has struggled against some form of tyranny that would enslave his mind or his body.
The question of whether modern democracies can successfully resist populist tyranny is raised and then abandoned within two paragraphs.
ECONOMIST: An Australian scientist explores where we are now
Taking a grim view of the Periclean era in Athens, Plato and Aristotle believed that democracy inevitably led to tyranny.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'
Moreover, even after Qaddafi does leave power, 40 years of tyranny has left Libya fractured and without strong civil institutions.
Are we then destined to live with varieties of majority and minority tyranny along with gross inefficiency in a democracy?
Mr. Rubio's family history is one of escaping tyranny (Cuba) and poverty, and he speaks movingly about the American Dream.
Most notably, many of these cosponsors were nations that emerged from tyranny in the second half of the last century.
The morning after, the industry found itself once more subject to the tyranny of oil and the chokehold of changing needs.
But the operating personnel like engineers and conductors are overpaid, and craft specialization still exercises a tyranny of expense and inconvenience.
Many of the things Goldberg defends in the pages of Tyranny of Cliches absolutely cannot be affirmatively defended on their own merits.
In New England, there remains one granite pillar against the tyranny of high tax burdens, found within the spirit of New Hampshire.
FORBES: In "Live Free or Die" New Hampshire, The U.S. Looks For Tax Leadership
But during the time of greatest need, when victims of Nazi tyranny sought to escape Europe, not even these modest quotas were filled.
WSJ: A Tortuous Road to Refuge | Against the Odds | Museum of Jewish Heritage | By Julia M. Klein
Again and again, he asks Americans to question their assumption that Germans and Russians resisted tyranny less bravely than Americans would have done.
Forget the tyranny of first appearances: the boys have alerted their fellow pupils to our arrival and I am greeted by a vibrant mass of children.
Neil said he has suffered from a tyranny of distance from living "down under" and trying to communicate with the rest of the world.
John Locke set out to release the individual from the tyranny of religious authorities by enunciating the doctrine of the separation of church and state.