The quiet household is often more turbulent than the household of the tyrant or the drunkard.
National workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, Lynn Taylor, concurs.
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Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, agrees.
Tyrant follows an ordinary American family caught up in the affairs of a turbulent Middle Eastern nation.
Abraham Lincoln has rarely been portrayed as a tyrant (except by die-hard Confederates), but often as inscrutable.
But there are lingering memories of General Manuel Noriega, the tyrant ousted in 1989 by an American invasion.
Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, offers another explanation.
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There are some Venezuelans who like to recall a kinder, if ridiculous, Perez Jimenez, rather than the tyrant.
Golkar, which formerly gave a veneer of legitimacy to Indonesia's long-entrenched tyrant, General Suharto, is an organisation famed for infighting.
Over 2, 000 years ago, a tyrant forbade the Israelites from practicing their religion and his forces desecrated the Holy Temple.
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It turns out Richard III was not the tyrant as he is remembered, but perhaps just the victim of identity fraud.
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He had signed up to direct the pilot episode of Tyrant in March, just weeks after Life of Pi won four Oscars.
'Saddam Hussein's trial is a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law.
Abby finds her homeland in the grip of an evil tyrant, her aunt Belladora, who is holding her father, the true king, prisoner.
Oscar-winning film director Ang Lee is branching out into television, after it was announced he will direct the pilot episode of new series, Tyrant.
Workplace expert Lynn Taylor, author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, suggests employees consider their response to a counter offer before they resign.
The libretto, an 18th- century "education-of-a-tyrant" plot, features Tiridate, king of Thrace, who is obsessed with his sister-in-law, Zenobia, and wages indiscriminate war to get her.
Almost everyone experiences this at some point in their career, says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant.
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Some paleontologists had reasoned that the tyrant lizard hit speeds of 45 miles per hour, but Hutchinson says it only managed 10 to 25 miles per hour.
Or that the chaos surrounding the potential overthrow of a Middle Eastern tyrant could turn out to be a messy bit of business that roils the oil market?
Lynn Taylor, workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, believes employees are much more comfortable using humor with colleagues than they are with their bosses.
One can only speculate about the loss of Steve Jobs, the genius-tyrant whose thumbprint has been on almost every brilliant and elegant product to ever come out of Apple.
At Chicago he took a demoralised orchestra that had fallen a long way since its heyday under Fritz Reiner, another musical tyrant from Budapest, and made it great again.
Industry paper The Hollywood Reporter suggested that Wrath of the Titans director Liebesman was implicit in persuading Fox - who once labelled Bay a "tyrant" - to take the role.
Just about every architect has been called a tyrant.
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Zenobia and her husband, Radamisto, remain steadfast under threat of death and destruction, however, and when Tiridate's ally Tigrane finally turns against him, for his own good, the tyrant sees the error of his ways.
The title of the novel comes from an old proverb, "Truth is the daughter of time", and the book directly challenges the received idea that Richard was a tyrant who murdered the Princes in the Tower.
The first meager fossils were found in Montana by dinosaur hunter Barnum Brown, who shipped them back to the American Museum of Natural History, where the new species was promptly dubbed Tyrannosaurus rex--"king of the tyrant lizards"--by museum president Henry Fairfield Osborn.
In what could have been a scene out of Downton Abbey, a former servant of onetime-billionaire Eric Greenberg testified in Manhattan federal court today that his ex-boss was a tyrant, and admitted to sending an email in which he called him an asshole.
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