Their daughters, Amy, 39 years old, and Nancy, 42, were born in the U.S., but couldn't pass on their U.S. citizenship to their own children because they left the country when they were very young.
One senior U.S. official said the U.S. couldn't yet say "one way or the other" if the information bolstered Turkey's account.
WSJ: Turkey Finds Pilots' Bodies, Providing New Spark for Tensions
When we got there Sudanese officials there said the U.N. couldn't fly even though commercial aircraft were free to come and go as they needed.
In the past bridging that gap has been easy, as foreigners were more than willing to invest in the U.S. those dollars they earned from trade with the U.S. It used to be that other countries couldn't compete with the U.S. in stability and returns to capital.
To say that the U.S. economy couldn't bear the burden of these new bonds is utterly preposterous.
For years, Islamabad claimed it didn't know Mr. bin Laden's whereabouts, and officials often suggested he was in Afghanistan, implying it was the U.S. that couldn't find him.
"When we were landing in the U.S. we couldn't get up or have anything on our laps, " said Rati Lavanig, who traveled from Thailand with her small child.
Remember the sneers about Hyundai when it first arrived in the U.S.: It couldn't compete with used cars.
United is the largest member and provides the others with hundreds of connections to U.S. cities they couldn't hope to serve on their own.
The court also let stand a lower-court ruling that two private U.S. military contractors couldn't be sued for allegedly abusing Iraqis who were detained and interrogated at the Abu Ghraib prison.
Even lackluster economic data from the U.S. last week couldn't damp oil prices, as investors interpreted signs of weak economic growth as increasing the likelihood the Federal Reserve and other central banks would enact more economic stimulus.
"The Wii U launch will prove to be one of biggest gaming console events of the year and we couldn't be more excited to support Wii U with dedicated headsets, " said Bob Picunko, Chief Marketing Officer of Turtle Beach.
At the time, though, it wasn't published in the U.S., so I couldn't include it in Pearl's Picks.
Viewing the incorrect information, the representative couldn't tell that the U.S. helicopters were firing on Pakistani troops.
But her father was told he couldn't go to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis because of his color vision.
Bernier, found that the U. S. Department of Agriculture chemist couldn't talk he was too busy being bitten by mosquitoes.
Ninety-nine percent of Taliban couldn't even find the U.S. on a map.
But in the end, Ohanian (who, at 29, couldn't shoot for the U.S. Senate for another year at any rate) said he thinks he can do more for the cause from where he sits now.
Since Goldman prides itself so in hiring the best and the brightest, wasn't it a shocker that to a man, they all had such very bad memories when testifying before the U. S. Senate that they just couldn't recall almost anything?
The loser is an arm of the U.S. Treasury called the IRS. Couldn't happen to nicer guys.
The U.S. government position is that we couldn't hold him because at the time, there was no indictment pending, and we had no legal process to take him into custody.
CNN: Lowell Bergman: How Saudi Arabia figures into the war on terror
In Havana, Lynn Roche, an official with the U.S. Interest Section, said section officials couldn't discuss any case of an American who hasn't signed a privacy act waiver.
CNN: Search for U.S. couple, their missing sons focuses on Cuba
For years lawyers were considered immune to most securities suits under a 1994 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said shareholders couldn't sue lawyers for "aiding and abetting" securities fraud.
"Many people said it couldn't be done, " said the U.S.'s Herculez Gomez, who plays professionally in Mexico.
Five years later, Chinese military commanders were frustrated when they couldn't locate two carrier groups that the U.S. deployed near Taiwan after China fired missiles into the sea off the island's coast in a failed attempt to influence the outcome of an election there, according to several defense analysts.
The speech formally acknowledged that the U.S. uses drones to target terrorists, but officials couldn't agree on how much more to say, administration officials said.
He said the U.S. attorney's office in Colorado concluded the charge couldn't be proven in court.
Eclat, which manufactures in Taiwan, couldn't immediately be reached for comment, but its U.S. website does list Lululemon as a customer.
The U.S. was flying over there and making sure that Saddam couldn't get airplanes up over there, didn't have any air power.
And for years, Amazon gave employees color-coded U.S. maps that showed "red states" where they couldn't travel for fear of triggering sales-tax collection.