The messages included: "u r very cute indeed" "very glad to know that u r fine now let celebrate this n have some fun on weekend " and "plz dnt say no u know I like u too much dnt break my heart".
Other U.S. officials have said this was a U.S. drone, and we know this is an American.
And you talked about the need for people to sort of move past their ideologies and embrace different points of view and be pragmatic and fact driven about the economy and there's an implicit criticism here of the U.S. that, you know, the U.S. should do this.
But many of the 3 million customers of this solid New England outfit might be surprised to know that this utility is a subsidiary of U.K.-based National Grid Transco.
General PETER PACE (U.S. Army): You know, this man's work ethic is incredible.
You know, all this is taking place while the U.S. military is trying to draw down its forces here, saying that the surge has worked, and there's security in Baghdad.
This was the essential difficulty of the task at hand: The higher-ups in the U.S. Army needed to know about the enemy in this unexplored province, so in order to learn as much as they could, they were going to stick a small group of troops in its midst.
CNN: Excerpt: 'The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor'
Readers of our account of the Taj Hotels' move into the U.S. should know, by way of disclosure, that this magazine's owning family is represented on the company's advisory board but wasn't involved in conceiving or reporting our story.
We hear the U.S. Congress is trying to amend this, but you know how that goes.
After a lifetime of normal U.S. citizenship, if I did not know my feelings on this matter, too bad for me.
We know very little about them except a few biographical details which all of a sudden seem ideally suited to the papacy. (This is totally opposite the case of U.S. Presidents, whom we know far too much about thanks to exhaustive, psyche-exposing multiyear campaigns).
FORBES: Don't Expect Pope Francis To Change The Vatican Anytime Soon
"I don't know that people are ready for this, " says Gus Kious, President of Summa Physicians in the U.S., who has taught the system at hospitals and with senior management.
Rejection of this treaty may improve future treaties by stiffening the spines of U.S. negotiators, who will know that there are things the Senate will not swallow just because they bear the label arms control.