The group has recently made representations to the UK mail regulator Postcomm to be allowed to lift the price of its bulk business mail deliveries.
Royal Mail insists that change is essential if the business is going to survive against tough competition from a growing number of entrants in the UK mail market.
Among those benefiting from all those home deliveries is UK Mail, private rival to Royal Mail, which says volumes between October and December were up 20%, with revenues up 14%.
During the closure island-wide collections will be brought forward to 13:00 GMT, with the last Envoy House and Smith Street Post Office collections at 15:00 to ensure mail connects with the UK mail boat.
So the question is, where did the Daily Mail UK get the last names?
Back in the UK, boomerang mail was a problem for a Norfolk couple at Christmas 2003 when a card was wrongly delivered to their house six times.
Derek Jones, sales director of Thomson Holiday's told the UK's Daily Mail last week that there is a market for Procreation Vacations.
However, that pike was more than four times the size of its prey, according to an article in the UK's Daily Mail newspaper.
Royal Mail says the UK has more than 1.7 million postcodes, covering about 28 million addresses.
Take, for example, the online version of the Daily Mail from the UK. Their modus operandi is to surround the regular content of the physical newspaper with endless fluff from the online world.
FORBES: Twitter Trending Prediction Algorithm: Possibly Of Most Use To Journalists
Virtually everyone online in France, the UK and Germany use e-mail to communicate with friends and family.
No 10 says there are anti-spam measures and people who want to sign a petition have to give an e-mail address and a UK address including postcode, or an overseas address.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Hunting support tops e-petitions
The JCRA has decided to grant another postal license to TNT Post UK, to ship items for the mail-order industry.
BBC: Plans outlined for Jersey Post to have more competition
The e-mail purported to come from the UK's Jewish communal leadership, the Board of Deputies (BoD).
Scottish newspapers have also faced an additional challenge as some UK-wide titles, especially the Daily Mail, made significant inroads into the Scottish market for the first time.
However, it is not freely available in the UK, although many people still obtain it through mail-order or internet sites.
Earlier in the House of Commons, Conservative MP John Redwood - who served alongside Mr Clarke in John Major's Cabinet - suggested that the UK had been reduced to an "e-mail democracy" by Brussels.
Royal Mail said the 110 golden boxes across the UK had become landmarks.
That the UK nationals are surviving (indeed, some like the Mail are thriving) shows that it is possible to run a newspaper with only the two income sources, subscriptions and display advertising.
By tackling the web shops that profit from spam, UK net firms hope to remove the financial incentive to send junk mail.
Royal Mail chief executive Moya Greene said the "turnaround of the UK business is well under way".
The latest move is part of Royal Mail's strategy to expand its parcels business in the UK and overseas.
Santa's Post Office is also receiving mail at as is, Scotland On Line's Santa Letter and Santa's Grotto.
By October the UK is looking to introduce strict new rules about how personal e-mail details are used to try to curb unwanted and unsolicited e-mail.
Privacy advocates were up in arms when Twitter revealed that it would be selling two years of archived tweets to UK-based Datasift to, well, sift through, reports the Mail Online.
He said the department would "pull together a promotion" and mail it out to a database of small plane owners in the UK and France.
Royal Mail has revealed that only two other post code areas in the the UK are worse than Swansea for meeting the target for delivering first class post by noon next day.
Broadband has struggled to win converts in the UK because many people can see no reason to pay more to get their e-mail quicker.
Martin Shipton from the NUJ expressed his fears that Trinity Mirror, a UK newspaper publisher that has ownership of Media Wales is "seeking to sell the Western Mail as a weekly newspaper".