The ultimatum: Get us food by Sunday or this client is walking out the door.
Was the ultimatum delivered under pressure from hot-headed junior officers threatening to take matters into their own hands?
To Hank Paulson the ultimatum is clear: Shape the future or get crushed by it.
But, curiously, he makes no appearance in the ultimatum game, a classic economics experiment.
Each twin of a pair played the ultimatum game, both as proposer and as responder.
Matt Damon thanked Empire readers as he collected the award for The Bourne Ultimatum.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Atonement bags three Empire gongs
The NCAA recently contacted several of those players in order to give them an ultimatum.
But this week the government gave the protesters an ultimatum to leave the site.
The favoured tools for exploring seemingly odd behaviours are called public-goods experiments and ultimatum games.
So far, in public at least, Mr Milosevic shows little sign of yielding to America's ultimatum.
It was, in effect, a polite ultimatum: he would relent or she would leave.
Feigning surprise, the British and French issued an ultimatum to both sides to cease fire.
Everyone understands that in a competitive economy, businesses face an ultimatum: maximize efficiency or die.
Abhisit Vejjajiva, the present prime minister, rejected their ultimatum but said he would listen to their grievances.
"An impression was given that I had issued an ultimatum and it's nothing like that, " Baxter said.
The company had issued an ultimatum to the striking workers: Return to work by Friday or face dismissal.
His words mark a direct ultimatum to Google as talks on a pre-charge settlement enter a critical phase.
Then came the scene, in Suffolk or in London, and her ultimatum: get rid of the girl or march.
Can you explain to the American people why the ultimatum that this has to go through 2013 is important?
He has performed stunts in The Avengers, GI Joe, Bourne Ultimatum, Wanted, Talladega Nights and The Fast and Furious.
It seems now that the ultimatum may have been based on a misunderstanding.
Matt Damon, the soft-spoken leading man in box office winner The Bourne Ultimatum, turns out to be Hollywood's best investment.
To avoid any suggestion of disloyalty to the Gandhi family (which could have been fatal), Mr Kesri despatched his ultimatum.
They held a meeting, and Gilroy agreed to watch "Ultimatum" for the first time and see whether that sparked any ideas.
In another kind of Ultimatum Game, subjects who must choose how much to give often offer more than the lowest amount.
Obama's ultimatum makes clear that mediating peace between Israel and the Palestinians is not a goal he is interested in achieving.
Scores of studies have run the ultimatum game across cultures and ages.
But the talks collapsed on Sunday after the rebels had rejected an ultimatum from the government that they drop their demand for independence.
The timelines of "The Bourne Ultimatum" and "The Bourne Legacy" are parallel to one another, although you won't see Jason Bourne in this installment.
South Korea's Defense Ministry said Tuesday it had received no such ultimatum officially, noting that there is no communications line between the two Koreas.