Brooklyn is home to the largest community of ultra-orthodox Jews outside Israel, more than 250, 000.
For now, Mr Nachman continues to spurn the ultra-orthodox Jews who have peopled much larger settlements.
While Jews regularly practice circumcision as part of their religion, metzitzah b'peh is limited to a relatively small number of ultra-Orthodox Jews.
Although reviewers have praised his elegantly written plea for tolerance, a handful of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Britain and abroad are on the attack.
The school board is almost entirely made up of ultra-Orthodox Jews who send their children to private schools and are bent on keeping taxes low.
The couple belonged to a close-knit ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, which is home to the largest community of ultra-Orthodox Jews outside Israel, more than 250, 000.
The Glaubers were from Brooklyn, home to the largest community of ultra-Orthodox Jews outside Israel, more than 250, 000, and were members of the Satmar Hasidic sect.
How a public school district that's 57 percent black, including Haitian, and 29 percent Hispanic, came to be governed by ultra-Orthodox Jews is a case study in changing demographics and the power of democracy.
He wants to end the special treatment enjoyed by ultra-orthodox Jews, who are exempt from military service and who often choose to devote their lives to studying scripture on welfare rather than working and paying tax.
Correspondents say the dispute over the wall has become a symbol of the greater tensions in Israeli society between ultra-Orthodox Jews, who abide by a very strict interpretation of Jewish law, and more modern elements of Judaism.
In the past, ultra-orthodox and national-religious Jews in Israel have felt so estranged from the judiciary's largely liberal mainstream that they have set up their own arbitration courts, applying laws from the Torah, Judaism's basic text, sometimes with the tacit sanction of the state.
For the haredim, the ultra-Orthodox, who believe that the Jews should return to their Biblical homeland only after the appearance of the mashiach, the Messiah, Zionism was a threat, even an apostasy, which ran counter to the traditional attachment to Jewish law.
Small religious parties seek greater social spending for their constituents, while a party representing secular Russian Jews focuses on undermining a law exempting ultra-Orthodox Israelis from military service.
And as secular Jews become more religious, both the national religious and ultra-Orthodox sectors are becoming increasingly integrated in nonreligious neighborhoods and institutions.