• Changes in the amount of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun affect the ozone layer.

    BBC: Viewpoint: The Sun and climate change

  • Because of abundant solar ultraviolet radiation at the surface, organic molecules might not be preserved as well as clay minerals.

    CNN: Have a drink on Mars

  • The rooms' outer walls are each filled with 250lbs of insulating polyethylene to protect astronauts during solar flares and damaging ultraviolet radiation.

    BBC: A space of one's own

  • Special paints are needed to protect the airframe, over a wide range of temperatures, from wind, weather, ultraviolet radiation and exhaust fumes.

    ECONOMIST: It’s a wrap | The

  • In the meantime, consult this FDA consumer information page for details on the risks of tanning beds and the different types of ultraviolet radiation.

    FORBES: If Tanning Beds Were A Drug, They'd Be Illegal

  • To deal with this, the Living Machine often includes components at the end of the system that sterilize the water with ultraviolet radiation, ozone or chlorine.

    FORBES: Page 2 of 2

  • It is therefore likely that the addition of sulphate to the stratosphere would result in a loss of ozone, and thus in more ultraviolet radiation getting through.

    ECONOMIST: Geoengineering

  • Moreover iron, which gives the planet its characteristic hue, would naturally cling to the varnish, protecting interior organisms from the harmful effects of intense ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

    CNN: Researcher: Mars rock varnish hints of life

  • Other watches incorporate ultraviolet radiation sensors and satellite-positioning systems.


  • Which creates a greater risk a few percent of increasing ultraviolet radiation (that is equivalent to moving from Washington DC to Richmond, Virginia) or removing (at least) 90% of your clothes and lying in the sun on purpose?

    FORBES: Why Do We Fear The Harmless While Irrationally Putting Ourselves In Harm's Way?

  • When it is ground into nanoparticles it can still block harmful ultraviolet radiation, but it allows visible light to pass straight though, which means modern sunscreens can appear completely transparent, while offering the same protection as the old white stuff.

    ECONOMIST: The risk in nanotechnology

  • The result is a material that is not only waterproof but is able to block out UV radiation from the sun to such an extent that it would rate a Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of 101.15 if the chart went that high.

    FORBES: Chinese Researchers Develop Waterproof Cotton

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