• But overall, the world now has 55 million extra slum dwellers than it did in 2000, according to UN Habitat, also known as the UN Human Settlements Programme.

    BBC: UN says 227m people escaped slums in past decade

  • This meant that defenses against unknown exploits that target new un-patched but known vulnerabilities could be incorporated.

    FORBES: How reputation services enhance IPS

  • Despite the presence of more than 7, 000 UN troops--known locally by their acronym MINUSTAH--a few hundred armed thugs continue to terrorize many poor neighborhoods.

    NPR: Fighting Gangs to Save a Port-au-Prince Forest

  • It is in the midst of a shaky succession process, which is hard for any totalitarian regime, let alone one where the chubby heir-apparent, Mr Kim's son, Kim Jong Un, is little known or loved.

    ECONOMIST: Food and stability in North Korea

  • The U.S. worries that Pyongyang will re-ignite the conflict with South Korea, and is uneasy because little is known about Kim Jong Un, the North's new, young leader, and considers him unpredictable.

    NPR: A Look At The North Korea Crisis

  • Mr Bolton - a well-known critic of the UN - was accused of bullying junior staff and trying to distort intelligence to fit his own views, but the White House said the charges were unfounded.

    BBC: Accusations that Bolton is a poor manager have been denied

  • The UN peacekeeping force in Ivory Coast, known as UNOCI, is set to reduce its size from about 9, 000 military personal by one battalion to 8, 837 by 31 July.

    BBC: Ivory Coast wants drones to monitor Liberia border

  • While it has investments in the U.S. and the North Sea, its biggest bets are in distinctly un-Swiss places--places known for, say, corruption (like Angola and the Congo) or tyranny (such as Iran and Venezuela).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Kerry I would probably come out the same way a second time, they have cynically chosen to portray the Bolton nomination fight as something else altogether: Protecting U.S. interests at the UN from someone who has allegedly been known to get angry with incompetents, malfeasant bureaucrats and enemies of this country.


  • He is often known as "quel q'un qui derange, " someone who drives you crazy.

    CNN: Sarkozy: Tough in campaign, gracious in defeat

  • The current UN presence on the border, which is known as UNIFIL, has been criticized in the past as being ineffectual and accused of standing by and allowing Hezbollah to operate freely on the border.

    NPR: U.N. Troop Plan Slow to Materialize

  • UN-mandated committee, he must surely have known that he had absolute immunity from any prosecution in relation to his work.

    ECONOMIST: The Volcker committee

  • Gaffney, Jr. appeared yesterday before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works to voice opposition to U.S. accession to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, better known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney testifies against LOST

  • And that is what recent events portend if the U.S. Senate agrees to the ratification of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (better known as the Law of the Sea Treaty or LOST) in the next few weeks.


  • North Korea leader Kim Jong-un, who oversaw the country's recent nuclear test, is known to be a basketball fan.

    BBC: Basketball player Dennis Rodman visits North Korea

  • Among those speaking at the event are international celebrities, such as Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the UN, Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer, and lesser-known entrepreneurs with a great idea to change the world.

    FORBES: How One Kid Can Make A Difference For The Environment

  • There is another strain of transnationalism that is, if anything, even more worrisome than the secular brand so fancied by the UN bureaucrats and their admirers: the global supremacist program cloaked as a religion and known as shariah.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: All us ��citizens of the world��

  • Mr Hague said the UK and Russia were "well known" for their differences but said it was "vital", as UN Security Council members, that they work together.

    BBC: Russia warns UK on arming Syrian rebels

  • Several years ago I attended a major WHO event in Geneva at which the NGO I represented was denied accreditation because it was known to be an advocate of free markets and a critic of some of the UN's policies.

    FORBES: The Worst Emerging Disease of All

  • The UN says a growing number of children are tortured and killed, often by pro-government militiamen known as the shabiha.

    ECONOMIST: Syria��s conflict

  • In the meantime, the UN does allow Iraq to export oil to pay for imports of food and medicine (an arrangement known as oil-for-food), although it keeps control of the finances.

    ECONOMIST: Unwise council | The

  • The UN has never made that list of companies and all the details public, but it's known that chemical precursors for chemical weapons and tubes for missiles and biological agents, including anthrax samples, were sent by American suppliers.

    NPR: U.S. Links to Saddam During Iran-Iraq War

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