The suit also says Hulse's confessions to the audit committee were manifold and unambiguous.
Such unambiguous desire to win and usually such unambiguous criteria to decide who does.
It is hard not to take sides, and the director himself is unambiguous in his sympathies.
The conclusion is then unambiguous: distribution became much more unequal over the past quarter-century.
The results were unambiguous, the statistician intoned without emotion: Iressa didn't boost survival in either big trial.
The most galling conviction of all.. unabashed, unapologetic, unalloyed, unambiguous, unconstrained and unqualified love of the United States.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 2009 Mightier Pen Award: Norman Podhoeretz
Their report on the proposed Shields Road superstore development was unambiguous: the council should back it without delay.
This discipline also forces me during meetings to focus on negotiating clear, unambiguous, mutually agreed upon action items.
The idea on which it is based--Madison Avenue and its dramatis personae in the 1960s--is simple, unique and unambiguous.
But he did not use the unambiguous language that Poles had hoped for.
I'm not a constitutional lawyer, but the meaning seems pretty unambiguous to me.
Barely half the district banks, for example, reported an unambiguous expansion in manufacturing.
They want a clear and unambiguous statement from the United States that it's not going to seek permanent military bases.
For all its technical sophistication, this movie is as blaring and unambiguous as a picture book for the very young.
They are those unique and unambiguous associations we link with the brand that give it shape and substance and meaning.
As heart-rending as the victims' testimony has been, McQueary's firm and unambiguous account could be just as damaging to Sandusky.
Let's hope the Justices seize this new opportunity to issue an unambiguous affirmation of the American principle of racial equality.
Professor Harry Bartelink, from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer who led the study, said the results were unambiguous.
At a press conference, he was unambiguous in his assignment of blame.
Thorough reporting, brevity, originality and solid, unambiguous conclusions will remain Forbes characteristics.
It is not used to clear up an ambiguity but to clear up an unambiguous document that is not accomplishing what was intended.
When the CSA poll asked respondents who they thought would win, they were unambiguous: 48% said Mr Hollande, and only 29% Mr Sarkozy.
As to the substance of his testimony, he was unambiguous that he did not ask or instruct Barclays to rig the important Libor rates.
Pure online schools like Capella and Jones International use an unambiguous work-for-hire arrangement -- their content designers hold no stake in the courses they create.
CNN: Technology - Analysis: Setting the payment standards of online-education
"Communication of how the PSNI intends to deliver against this commitment needs to be unambiguous so that staff have a clear message, " Dr Maguire said.
There is one unambiguous thing that he could say soon: the names of the people whom he wants to run the economy under his presidency.
The White House is unambiguous in its support for his agenda.
Observers say the definition will have to be concise and unambiguous.
My recommendation to Republicans: Work harder to differentiate yourself from progressives and Democrats by forging a clear, unambiguous brand as the party of smaller government.
It is a matter of constitutional principle that the chancellor does not act without an unambiguous request from a member to relinquish his or her seat.
BBC: Hilary Benn issues challenge to rules on MP resignation