Psychologically, the material is half-senseless and rather unappealing, and the movie drifts into inconsequence.
Both had a fine sense of appearances, and both stirred up suspicions of unappealing realities.
And, unfortunately, Canada Geese which are grass fed are really the most unappealing of meats.
FORBES: Feeding the Poor of Pennsylvania on Geese From New York
But it is acute, and no amount of finger-pointing will change the equally unappealing options.
But the main argument for owning equities is the unappealing nature of the alternatives.
Statesmen necessarily face deeply unappealing choices which academics and commentators in their suburban literary redoubts are spared.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How to make Egypt safe for democracy
Poor countries are unattractive places to innovate, with bad public services, unappealing workplaces and a gloomy outlook.
Staying at home is unappealing to DoCoMo: most adults already own a mobile phone, and growth is stagnant.
ECONOMIST: Japan��s biggest mobile operator heads abroad once more
She signed up for welfare benefits, and found an unappealing apartment, where she lived for a few months.
It's inoffensive, unappealing and wholly forgettable -- which might even be the point.
But their large particle size makes them heavier in application, resulting in a whitish, chalky appearance that consumers find unappealing.
His public persona is almost comically wooden and unappealing, though he is said to be funny and charming in private.
To people accustomed to getting immediate gratification from a tax benefit, the Roth K--shorthand for 401(k)--looks at first blush rather unappealing.
Composed of blunt budget cuts across areas of key interest for both Democrats and Republicans, they were designed to be unappealing.
Immigrants tend to inject into stale, ageing countries fresh vitality, fresh energy and an uncommon willingness to work hard at unappealing jobs.
So if Britain comes to the conclusion that joining the euro is a bad idea, it will face a range of unappealing choices.
Because all-in-one application suites can be expensive and lack functionality for some critical areas of the business, they are often unappealing to growing businesses.
She recounts the many ways that charities hide politically unappealing costs like fundraising and overhead, usually by finding some way to call them program support.
The more one knows about Admiral Fallon's conduct as a senior officer in sensitive positions around the world, the more unappealing his candidacy should be.
Even those old investment stalwarts, inflation-protected government bonds, now look unappealing.
He finds the gym boring and basketball and baseball leagues unappealing.
It is not an irrational fear to find that prospect unappealing.
The survivors will get the spoils, but the booty looks unappealing.
ECONOMIST: Investment banking: Wall Street's annus horribilis | The
Some make a different point, that society benefits if lads without job prospects are taken off the streets and into useful training before unappealing habits form.
Even Mr McEntegart seems to have reacted badly to the efforts of prosecutors to sway the jury by lingering on Mr Kozlowski's free-spending lifestyle and unappealing sexual habits.
The firm says it will continue to acquire luxury brands such as Kate Spade, which it bought last December, to focus on customers who find private-label brands unappealing.
They watched in dismay the way in which Obama treated Mubarak, loyalty to unappealing allies in trouble not having been a strong suit in Washington for many years.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How to make Egypt safe for democracy
The cuts were designed to be so unappealing that lawmakers would be forced to agree to a separate deal, but amid gridlock in Washington, such an agreement was never reached.
It is also unappealing to pass laws telling adults that they are not allowed to volunteer to do overtime, even if they want the extra money and their companies would welcome it.