On the surface Watling was gentle and unassuming, a vegetarian and pacifist who always wore sandals, even in the snow.
The beautiful 6.5-acre site, which includes medieval courtyards, a chapel, cloister and gardens, lies just behind an unassuming gate just a few metres from Smithfield Market in the heart of the hectic City of London.
Ota is an unassuming place, a low-slung mix of back-street workshops, traditional bathhouses and modest apartments.
Inside, the unassuming restaurant is a hodgepodge of tin panelling, mismatched tables, Mexican tapestries and saddle blankets.
The unassuming exterior masks a level of service that makes the guest feel like some sort of king of past ages.
Palermo's best budget hotel, Ariston is located in an unassuming block in a prime location between the old and new town.
He (or possibly she) is an unassuming shlub in a shapeless one-piece.
Belua is a rather unassuming 2000 power creature for 4, but this frisky fire bird is all about supporting a dragon deck.
Now a museum, the unassuming Villa Aalto is located in Munkkiniemi, a seaside neighbourhood that was barely developed when Aalto designed and built the home in 1935.
If you own a Samsung PC, you may want to search your hard drive for an unassuming program called StarLogger, a piece of commercial spyware capable of recording every keystroke on your machine and sending the data to a third party.
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It's a strangely Snow White-esque moment that unfolds minutes after we set up our gear in the conference room of the Leadership Development Center -- a drab, unassuming office space in the middle of Colorado Springs' Peterson Air Force Base that serves as a training facility for 11 months out of the year.
ENGADGET: A visit to NORAD's Santa-tracking facility (video)
Franklin, a fairly unassuming cube drone in professional development, broke under the scrutiny.
Only then will it be clear what a previously unassuming technocrat with modernising ideas can do to transform his country.
One such restaurant is All'Osteria Bottega (Via Santa Caterina 54), about a 20-minute walk from downtown on a quiet unassuming street.
The frontier of biomedical research is inside an unassuming green box with a black-and-white touchscreen mounted on a rack in the International Space Station.
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It was a beautiful, unassuming church meticulously made out of stone and stained glass.
Unassuming in wrinkled khakis and a polo shirt, he is in near perpetual motion.
Cardiff City Supporters' Club spokesperson Vince Alm said Ramsey was a pleasant, unassuming teenager.
Sitting behind me at BIF-6 this past September was a nice, unassuming guy.
His stint at Chester made the modest, unassuming, immensely popular Storton a legend at the club, his league appearance record of 396 games proving the third-best in the club's history.
Housed in a grim, unassuming building near the Los Angeles airport, it had lost its high school due to budget cuts, and the dropout rate had soared to nearly 60 percent.
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Like today's faux documentarians behind the "The Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity, " Defoe alternates calculated blandness with jaw-dropping alarm, sharpening suspense by placing it against a canvas of unassuming routine.
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His diatribes may have come as a shock to many of his peers, who have described him as a quiet and unassuming loner - though many were aware of his violent side.
Streeter, a Cleveland native, was unassuming, but, in an office of cautious colleagues, the fact that he spoke his mind and owned a speedboat made him a bit of a character.
Taken on its own unassuming terms, this anthology does a fine job.
And so, we're thinking Eli might be, in many ways, the same - a little quiet, unassuming, but actually very much in charge.
Even the best hotel in town, Yali Otel, is an unassuming off-white building without a prominent signboard or even a reception desk.
Teacher Mark Jeffreys, who taught Rifleman Bassett at the community college, said he was "a very quiet, unassuming student who was popular with everybody".
"He seemed like a very quiet, unassuming young man, " he said.