Being caught off guard so easily was very unbecoming for such a seasoned veteran.
On Leaf Cay, for example, yard-long rock iguanas sun themselves with a languor unbecoming an endangered species.
His lawyer, Samuel Spitzberg, says the charges will include dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming to an officer and lying to investigators.
What the rest of the world thinks about the U.S. (and vice versa) is too often an unbecoming caricature of who we really are.
Did you start doing behavior that was unbecoming for the brand?
The noise and dirt of the cars whizzing past might be a little unbecoming, but the Colosseum is not a building to be hidden away in a quiet corner.
When told in the 1970s that it is unbecoming for a cardinal to ski, he joked that it is only unbecoming for a cardinal to ski badly.
Military prosecutors this week made their case against Army Lieutenant Ehren Watada, accusing him of refusing to ship out with his unit and of conduct unbecoming an officer.
The Hindu said Italy's refusal to send back Massimilian Latorre and Salvatore Girone "may win the new Italian government brownie points at home but is conduct unbecoming of a responsible nation".
BBC: Indian media: India 'embarrassed' by Italy marines move
Wilkerson was convicted on Nov. 2 by a military panel on charges of abusive sexual contact, aggravated sexual assault and three instances of conduct unbecoming of an officer and a gentleman.
The major miss for "In Creases" is the unbecoming costuming that Mr. Peck and Mark Happel devised for the men, making them look like hillbillies in long johns with lifeless black socks and slippers.
WSJ: An Occasion to Reflect on Peter Martins's Legacy | By Robert Greskovic
For many years, as Microsoft grew, Bill Gates eschewed public relations and politics as tawdry activities unbecoming of a pure entrepreneur only to find himself up to his eyeballs in government law suits.
Classical pianist Lang Lang thumped out "Rhapsody In Blue, " before tenor Alfie Boe segued "O Sole Mio" into "It's Now Or Never, " jiving on the spot for the latter in a matter unbecoming of most opera singers.
Massad rose to prominence with the David Project's 2005 release of its documentary "Columbia Unbecoming" in which Jewish students at Columbia related the intellectual intimidation they suffered in the classroom at the hands of Massad and his colleagues.
Mr. FIDELL: They added charges of conduct unbecoming an officer under Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and that's a way of putting on the table some of the things that Lieutenant Watada is accused of having said that are problematic - particularly problematic from the military standpoint.