You sell now you pay less to Uncle Sam and keep more of it for yourself.
FORBES: Sell Now To Avoid Higher Taxes From The Fiscal Cliff
That income and his career earnings are gross figures though and before Uncle Sam and his agents at IMG took their share.
So depending upon whether doctors use Drug A or Drug B, Uncle Sam and taxpayers save or spend hundreds of millions of dollars.
But that was before Uncle Sam and Auntie Merkel got involved.
However, the standard rap against doing so by extending health care tax breaks to everyone is that this would be too costly for Uncle Sam and put the budget in an even bigger hole.
These two entities achieved their monstrous size and malignant and distorting influence precisely because they had the implicit guarantee of Uncle Sam and were exempt even from normal, basic reporting requirements to the SEC.
The problem with borrowing billions of dollars from taxpayers, some banks found, is that it comes with nettlesome strings like restrictions on executive compensation, pricey dividends payable to Uncle Sam and, in some cases, partial government ownership.
Under Medicare Advantage, seniors effectively get a fixed sum to buy coverage from HMOs or managed care companies instead of having Uncle Sam pay doctors and hospitals on an a la carte basis.
Suppose, for example, that the governments of the euro area (and America's other OECD trading partners) heeded Uncle Sam's lectures and passed liberalising reforms that raised their trend rates of growth by 0.5%.
Lots of banking regulators and writers seem more shocked at how ungrateful big banks are toward the federal government, even after Uncle Sam bailed them out and let most of the bankers keep their jobs.
FORBES: Are Consumer Bank Customers Mules -- Or Will They Move if Kicked Hard Enough?
At costume shops, for example, there's a run on Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam outfits.
At the end of the five years, the investor and Uncle Sam settle up for the difference.
FORBES: Equity Linked CDs: More Garbage Wall Street Wants To Feed You
And Uncle Sam is borrowing 1 out of every 3 dollars he spends.
FORBES: The Fiscal Cliff: How To Call The Big Spenders' Bluff
Yet money velocity may pick up quickly when companies sell off the last of their inventories and Uncle Sam's massive stimulus program gets consumers spending again.
The trouble is that stop-losses are too often used as tools for market timing--a game far more likely to enrich your broker and Uncle Sam than you.
The viewer sees Uncle Sam, the soldiers, and the airmen all marching resolutely toward victory.
Italian authorities arrested Munari and Nino Rovelli's youngest son, Oscar, on money laundering charges in January and asked Uncle Sam for help in recovering the funds.
These companies reason that the money was made overseas and already taxed overseas, and if Uncle Sam insists on taxing it again, this money will remain overseas.
There's nothing like a new car, and with Uncle Sam offering up significant money to put all of us in one, demand at automobile dealerships has gone skyward.
In fact, the government's proposal to restore confidence in Fannie and Freddie--which includes extending their lines of credit from the Treasury and allowing Uncle Sam to buy their shares if necessary--is designed to help the mortgage buyers keep operating under their current, shareholder-owned business models.
Should this couple take the money out after ten years to start a business and get hit with a 10% penalty on top of their 25% rate, they'll end up with 7.5% less than if they'd invested in a taxable account and paid Uncle Sam each year, calculations based on the work of MIT economics professor James Poterba show.
She fought back in Tax Court, and in 1999 Uncle Sam conceded she didn't owe a dime.
Texas, he notes, has a fiscally stable government buttressed by oil and gas revenues and spending from Uncle Sam.
You'd think Uncle Sam would buy you a ticket and give you a luxury apartment until you found a job and got settled.
With inflation raging in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Uncle Sam was issuing long-term debt with coupons as high as 15.75%--with no corporate-like call provisions.
And because they can't tap into the Troubled Asset Relief Program--the government's bailout kitty for U.S. banks--they're also not tied down by its restrictions, including executive compensation limits and dividend payments to Uncle Sam.
So she purchased a new queen-sized bed and box spring and sent the tab to Uncle Sam.
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When Uncle Sam stops buying, interest rates should rise and bond prices decline.
FORBES: Before QE2 Ends Oil, Dollar, Commodities Up; Stocks, Bonds, Gold Down
This gets Uncle Sam out of the pockets of Americans, and shifts the burden away from our families and small businesses.
FORBES: Death Is Much Less Complicated Than The U.S. Tax Code
Counsel was appointed, with the defendants choosing their lawyers - and, for some, Uncle Sam paid for two or more attorneys.