In 1945, the Allies rejected peace offers by German SS chief Heinrich Himmler, insisting on unconditional surrender.
The letter was given to General WHM Lowe after Pearse agreed to an unconditional surrender on 29 April, 1916.
As U.S. strategists knew from having broken the Japanese military and diplomatic codes, there was virtually no inclination toward unconditional surrender.
Instead the war's critics propose an entirely new approach that drops or downplays military means and abandons unconditional surrender as the goal.
Ghazi, a former civil servant turned rigid Islamist, says he and his followers prefer martyrdom to the unconditional surrender demanded by the government.
The allies supercharged Hitler's position by insisting on Germany's unconditional surrender.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi rejected government calls for an unconditional surrender, saying he and his die-hard followers holed up in Islamabad's Red Mosque will not give up.
From that moment on, the Japanese government decided that the only remaining option was to sue for peace and accept the allied terms of unconditional surrender.
They may not want a complete and unconditional surrender to the drug cartels, but they could live with an accommodation that included an end to the violence.
The Soviet occupation of the Baltic states prompted Estonia and Lithuania - but not Latvia - to boycott Moscow's commemorations, which mark the signature of the unconditional surrender in Berlin.
BBC: An estimated 1 million Soviet war veterans are still alive
Thus began one of the most notable campaigns in modern military and moral history, brought to a splendid conclusion by the unconditional surrender of all the Argentine forces on the islands, followed shortly by the collapse of the military dictatorship in Buenos Aires.
And when the inevitable finally happened, the defeat was so total, the surrender so unconditional and the disgrace of the militarists so complete that all the public's stifled frustration, anger and contempt burst like an overfilled dam.