One suggestion was filling the toe of a pair of socks with uncooked rice.
Even uncooked, they are a deeply sensuous, decadent pleasure, bursting with liquor at first bite before yielding their hidden treasure.
This method removes the ramps' raw onion flavor and tenderizes the bulb, which is tough to bite into when uncooked.
Allow 12 ounces per portion uncooked for whole fish, 10 ounces for pan-dressed (headless) fish, 8 ounces for bone-in fish steaks.
Egg roulette involves competitors breaking a choice of six eggs on their heads with the loser finding the single uncooked one.
Tammy Smith of Vancouver, Wash. stops at Papa Murphy's Take N' Bake Pizza for a made-to-order, uncooked pie every other week.
Built over a fetid Georgia swamp, Andersonville held 30, 000 miserable souls struggling to survive on meager rations of raw cornmeal and uncooked bacon.
Contamination also can occur in the kitchen, when juices from raw meat and poultry come into contact with uncooked foods, such as salads.
Asteroids and meteorites, along with comets, are regarded as left-overs from the raw ingredients of the early solar system, uncooked by any planet-forming processes.
Papa Murphy's doesn't cater to a more affluent crowd, one that might pay extra to have salmon and feta sprinkled on an uncooked gourmet pie.
This obligates an erstwhile slumdog community organizer to lead a demoralized and confused cadre of tailored suits brought down by uncooked geese in their jets.
When I talked to Aaron, headwaiter at Hero Sushi in Omaha, he says uncooked fish wrapped in seaweed still makes a lot of Nebraskans nervous even now.
And because the uncooked pizzas are considered groceries, Papa Murphy's accepts food stamps, which account for 4% of sales companywide and up to 15% of sales in some stores.
Armed with this information, she was able to turn her attention back to the uncooked sections of the livers and see if she could find any systematic chemical differences between them.
ECONOMIST: Why some duck livers are delicious, and others nasty
Unfortunately, the regulations apply only to uncooked red meat.
The tour continues with a butchery skills master class at the Taste Tradition butchery 13km away in the market town of Thirsk, where participants learn how to butcher a pig and make the most of each of the cuts, while preparing half an uncooked pig to take home and enjoy.