Even without a fundamental shift in human nature or deterrence, this may be making it more difficult for misstatements or mistakes to go undiscovered or uncorrected.
The visibility of the results and the possibility that an independently minded board will ax the boss may make it less likely that deep problems will go uncorrected for years.
The industry will never be able to claim that hydraulic fracturing is safe and not a source of problems if this attempted re-definition of our industry terminology is allowed to stand uncorrected.
But arguably the most serious indication that she is wholly ill-equipped to carry out her present responsibilities can be found in another - as yet uncorrected - statement she made on Sunday.
What does it say about Germany's determination to protect dangerous dual-use technologies that this problem -- which was clearly identified as a factor contributing to Bonn's failures in the Rabta case -- remains uncorrected to this day?
According to Reviel Netz, a classicist at Stanford University who is working on the palimpsest, the original uncorrected diagrams suggest that Archimedes was more concerned with the mathematical arguments his geometry gave rise to than with the real-world behaviour of the objects he wrote about.