And in small cities like Marysville, all the undecided voters could swing the results either way.
But both campaigns are hoping to energize the undecided voters, like 22 year old Davian Percy.
But there were still undecided voters to be found, such as Renee Mullins of Fairfax.
The undecided voters would choose on issues of character, and on how the candidates behaved.
But also, of course, with some new ads going after whatever undecided voters remain as well.
Some undecided voters may just be merrily humming Kumbaya en route to re-electing him.
Compared to the other early contests, Florida has a relatively small number of undecided voters.
How should undecided voters, who must number in the scores, feel about it, though ?
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This large number of affluent undecided voters is apparently waiting to hear more details from the candidates.
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Stump speeches were specific to the local audience, rarely made national news, and rarely influenced undecided voters.
Much now depends on Mr Persson's own yes campaign, which could swing a lot of undecided voters.
This, combined with an unusually large number of undecided voters, makes it difficult to predict the results.
That came across clearly in a focus group of undecided voters that I watched after the debate.
But, with such a tight race, and so many undecided voters, this year's experience could prove decisive indeed.
Undecided voters are increasingly interested in what Governor Romney has to say and this debate will not change that.
In a poll of undecided voters, CBS also gave the third contest to Mr Kerry, by 39% to 25%.
Undecided voters may find it safer to stick with the devil they know.
Undecided voters looking for a winner to back will have noticed that he keeps popping up to make victory speeches.
Finally, Bush needs to convince voters -- especially undecided voters -- that he has a new and compelling second-term agenda.
John McCain of Arizona led the effort, two moderate Republicans who the president needs to reach out to undecided voters.
But local observers point to the large number of undecided voters still swithering between CiU and the left-wing independentistes ERC.
And Bradley turned around that argument in Concord to try to convince undecided voters to support him in Tuesday's primary.
The problem is, the third debate will be a town hall, where undecided voters will be asking the candidates questions.
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Obama and Romney will be battling in the debates to win the hearts and minds of voters, especially undecided voters.
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This debate will be set up like a town hall meeting, and the audience will be made up of undecided voters.
If the numbers are accurate, this would indicate that the small number of undecided voters remaining may be breaking for Barrett.
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GARCIA-NAVARRO: It's an attempt to swing undecided voters, mainly in the lower middle classes, who are viewed as key in this election.
His speech was aimed at the undecided voters at home, in swing states, and those who had committed to voting for Sen.
He and other undecided voters represent a narrow sliver in swing states.
If undecided voters continue to swing behind Mr Humala, he will win.