He was a parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Department for Employment, the Department of Transport and the Northern Ireland Office between 1984 and 1990 - but has spent most of his Parliamentary career as a backbencher.
BBC: Tory veteran Peter Bottomley awarded knighthood
Sir John Chilcot, 70, is a former permanent under-secretary of state at the Northern Ireland Office and has been chairman since 2001 of the Police Foundation and sat on the Butler Inquiry into the intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
BBC: Iraq war inquiry to be in private
Under state law, Secretary of State Jan Brewer -- a Republican -- takes over.
CNN: Obama to nominate Richardson for Cabinet
The serious business was conducted out of sight, and involved a series of meetings on a new diplomatic effort to persuade the Iranians to halt their uranium-enrichment program. (Iran argues that its enrichment program is for civilian purposes and is legal under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.) Secretary of State Rice had been involved with developing a new package of incentives.
NEWYORKER: Preparing the Battlefield
Tun Sa Im, Under Secretary of State of MoEYS, 3 small working sessions were divided to provide in-depth technical editing and review the draft curriculum during the workshop.
UNESCO: Joins to support the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in Enhancing National and Sub-National Capacity to Deliver Comprehensive and Quality Sexuality Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Some cardinals have suggested restructuring the Curia's chain of command, breaking up the all-powerful post of secretary of state, which was held by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone under Pope Benedict XVI.
WSJ: Cardinals Gather, Facing Varied Agendas
It was particularly noteworthy insofar as it permitted a vigorous exchange of views between three of the authors of the Center study -- former four-star General John Foss (USA, Ret..) , former Under Secretary of State Eugene V.
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns and Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Maria Otero visited Indonesia and engaged their Indonesian counterparts in wide-ranging strategic dialogues.
WHITEHOUSE: The U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership