Meanwhile in Belfast, before the parades got under way, vandals attacked a memorial to five people shot dead by the loyalist paramilitary Ulster Freedom Fighters in a betting shop.
The seven-year-old girl was swimming with her family in a remote waterhole in the Northern Territory on Friday, when a saltwater crocodile attacked and dragged her under.
BBC: Fears for Australia missing girl after crocodile attack
His lawyers argued last year that his extradition would breach his human rights under European law because he risked being attacked by other inmates in South African prisons.
He attacked the existing scheme, under which some civil servants are entitled to more than six years' salary if they are made redundant, as "completely unaffordable, inherently unfair and in urgent need of reform".
In 1429, the English, retreating after the siege of Orleans, were attacked and defeated by French forces under Joan of Arc and Duc D'Alencon at the battle of Patay.
The government has been under pressure to act since the woman was attacked on a bus while she was travelling home from a visit to the cinema on 16 December.
Word is that, rather than investigate the serious allegations, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Karen Hughes attacked them.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: WSJ: "Al-Hurra more like al-Jazeera"
The girl was last seen being dragged under the water by the crocodile, which had also attacked a man who was with her in the billabong.
BBC: Fears for Australia missing girl after crocodile attack
Other cabinet members came under fire elsewhere, with Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott attacked and manhandled by demonstrators at a Labour Party rally in the North Wales.
Washington and Tokyo have a security alliance dating back to the 1950s, under which Washington is bound to protect Japan if it is attacked.
At Morriston Hospital, Swansea, accident and emergency consultant Mr Michael McCabe said staff had been attacked by users who had no idea what they were doing under the influence.
Indeed, it is OK, under the new law, to bark if your owner is about to be attacked.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
Any time an embassy or diplomatic facility is attacked by force with weapons and Americans are killed, that is an act of terror under the definition of terrorism that applies at the NCTC and elsewhere.
Under the new proposals, the EU will shift from the current bargaining over quotas - a system often attacked by environmental groups - to fishing based on "maximum sustainable yield" (MSY).
BBC: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks