What, then, to make of its sudden removal last week under cover of dark?
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Under cover of darkness, this small elite unit launched an airborne assault deep into insurgent-held territory.
The supplement makers who engage in this type of sleight-of-hand often operate under cover of semi-anonymity.
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Dairy farmers have had to keep cattle under cover almost every day since October, spokesman James Watts said.
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Short-sellers tend to move under cover of darkness, launching stealthy guerrilla raids on stocks they deem ready for a fall.
More than 4, 000 US marines, 1, 500 Afghan soldiers and 300 US soldiers moved in by helicopter under cover of night.
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Save Concorde Group submitted plans last year to place the jet under cover for the first time in a decade.
If she were ever posted overseas under cover, that would provide the hostiles with a lead to unravel her CIA connection.
Steady showers for most of the day have finally stopped, bringing many out from under cover and livening up the Derby atmosphere.
Last Sunday, rebels said the defenders broke through the siege lines to receive a much-needed delivery of supplies under cover of darkness.
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It has turned down talks with America under cover of a regional dialogue that would involve South Korea, Japan, China and Russia too.
According to Ben Lord, of Save Concorde Group, it is more important than ever that the aircraft is "put under cover very, very quickly".
But - astonishingly - some diplomats and UN officials in this region (speaking of course under cover of anonymity) give the theory some credence.
"We feel our proposal was the proposal which would enable Concorde to be put under cover in a very short space of time, " he said.
People now sell cartloads of strawberries and lychees that are rushed up from the south, or flowers that are grown under cover outside the city.
"I broke him straight away, that always makes a big difference, " added Murray about a match that was played under cover due to rain at Melbourne Park.
India has said its 2, 000-2, 500km-range Agni missile is now ready for deployment, and it may be developing an intercontinental-range missile under cover of its Russian-assisted space programme.
No other film artist operated as skillfully as he did under cover of darkness, and this seventy-nine-minute film noir from 1948 shows off his night vision at peak power.
It is a system that works pretty well if the target ship is paying attention and can notify the navy in time and get all of the crew under cover.
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At the start of the war, the stud moved east toward Russia to escape the advancing Germans, all the horses trotting under cover of night to escape the strafing aircraft.
Just a few hours ago they took off to drop more than 1, 000 paratroopers under cover of darkness over northern Iraq to secure an airfield in the area controlled by the Kurds.
It would effectively prevent the federal government from compelling anyone "engaging in journalism" to give testimony or produce any document revealing that journalist's source, if the source gave the information under cover of confidentiality.
Under cover of darkness, and dressed in a thin grey hooded top, jeans and a pair of white trainers, he clambered into a tiny space inside the wheel housing of a passenger jet bound for London.
Although his report was triggered by tales of televangelists running lucrative things such as recording studios and selling oil and gas under cover of the religious exemption, it highlights a serious regulatory failure at the heart of America's charitable sector.
The data that he and his team have collected suggest the animals plan their moves with guerrilla-like precision, sprinting from the safety of one game reserve to another under cover of darkness and spending as little time as possible in the poacher-infested areas in between.
Watson eventually left the harbor, under cover of fog, and he was later arrested on an ice field where the hunt was taking place. (Since 1977, it has been a crime in Canada to observe the seal hunt without a permit.) His ship was confiscated, he was charged with conspiring to commit mischief and extortion, among other crimes, and he spent several days in jail.
Under separate cover, Arianda sent her own letter, with a drawing of the American and the Ukrainian flags.
Now 37, she recalls getting an ego boost after losing a significant amount under the cover of winter clothing.
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The man's wife is alleged to be a Mossad officer under diplomatic cover at the Israeli Embassy in Washington.