Under cover of darkness, this small elite unit launched an airborne assault deep into insurgent-held territory.
Short-sellers tend to move under cover of darkness, launching stealthy guerrilla raids on stocks they deem ready for a fall.
Even more sweetly, he is again being courted by prominent Democrats, including Mrs Clinton, Bill Bradley and albeit under cover of darkness Al Gore.
Last Sunday, rebels said the defenders broke through the siege lines to receive a much-needed delivery of supplies under cover of darkness.
CNN: Rebels in northern Syria pin hopes on airbase's downfall
They run the city under cover of darkness, plotting fake terrorist plots to keep the city in turmoil while they make their robberies.
NPR: Excerpt: 'The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure'
To enhance the excitement of his unveiling or perhaps to forestall unwelcome comments officials plan to install him under cover of darkness just hours before the fair opens.
No other film artist operated as skillfully as he did under cover of darkness, and this seventy-nine-minute film noir from 1948 shows off his night vision at peak power.
Just a few hours ago they took off to drop more than 1, 000 paratroopers under cover of darkness over northern Iraq to secure an airfield in the area controlled by the Kurds.
Under cover of darkness, and dressed in a thin grey hooded top, jeans and a pair of white trainers, he clambered into a tiny space inside the wheel housing of a passenger jet bound for London.
The data that he and his team have collected suggest the animals plan their moves with guerrilla-like precision, sprinting from the safety of one game reserve to another under cover of darkness and spending as little time as possible in the poacher-infested areas in between.
"Reshuffling staff and promises of a review made under the cover of darkness doesn't begin to answer the questions raised by the egregious actions of the Clinton White House, " Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) told the Associated Press.
"Their cowardly actions, carried out under the cover of darkness, are in stark contrast to the bravery demonstrated on the battlefields by our war heroes, " he said.
Three helicopters initiated a heated gunbattle with captors under the cover of darkness in the town about 75 miles northwest of the capital Mogadishu, eyewitnesses said.
He said he first met Mandela when he was brought "under the cover of darkness" to his office from a prison where the longtime activist was being held.
Mogadishu, Somalia (CNN) -- French forces swooped into Somalia for a rescue mission under the cover of darkness, leading to a fierce gun battle with militants who killed the hostage, the French defense ministry said Saturday.
Some are so frightened of attack they hold their funerals at night under the cover of relatively safe darkness.