The review process is thorough and objective and conducted as expeditiously as possible under the circumstances.
Outlooks were a little shakier, but on the whole decent enough under the circumstances.
Under the circumstances, the Genentech price may be the one closer to fair value.
The World Wildlife Fund, a leading environmental group, called Shell's decision wise under the circumstances.
Perhaps she was kept in the hospital and sedated as much as possible under the circumstances.
"Under the circumstances, we don't think it's in his best interest or ours, " Alderson said.
Meanwhile, the Rail Passenger Council said GNER's decision was "perfectly understandable" under the circumstances.
Unison said it had reached the best agreement possible with British Gas under the circumstances.
Rendition takes time, which is precisely what we may not have under the circumstances.
Some observers say the deal is the best Russia could get under the circumstances.
Under the circumstances, the government must hope it will be forgiven for abstaining rather than voting yes.
Under the circumstances, Japan would have been in a strong position to bargain for a negotiated peace.
Fortunately, those rates have accelerated some in the past three months, but are hardly excessive under the circumstances.
It has taken an extraordinary effort by the Fed just to make money grow modestly under the circumstances.
Under the circumstances of the 2010 season, which started well and ended atrociously, Johnson had a very good year.
But he told MEPs that the negotiations had gone well under the circumstances.
So I personally believe this is a good deal and the best he could have gotten under the circumstances.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with President Obama and President Clinton
"Under the circumstances the finance team has done very, very well, " he admits.
Under the circumstances, all that people can do, if they get sufficient warning, is to run for their lives.
Under the circumstances, Pepco looks oversold at 11 times estimated 2002 profits.
In the end, I believe the Lakers front office correctly chose the best man for the job under the circumstances.
Under the circumstances, I think the better course is to register my dissent, rather than be used as a prop.
Mr Duncan Smith did his best, under the circumstances, by concentrating on the issues of rocketing Council Tax and pensioner poverty.
For reasons that I will discuss shortly, those actions were necessary and justified under the circumstances that prevailed at that time.
Under the circumstances, one can hardly maintain that inspections under the CWC, burdensome though they will be, can ensure effective monitoring.
Under the circumstances, the image will never see the light of day again, if the company has anything to say about it.
"The solution we concluded is not what we wanted but is the least painful under the circumstances, " President Anastasiades said on TV.
BBC: Cyprus leader Nicos Anastasiades 'fights EU on bailout'
"The conditions were very easy this morning and in fact, 70 was a very poor score today under the circumstances, " he explained.
Under the circumstances, the sergeant major said, one blemish is too many.
WSJ: When the Fighting Stops: Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan
Under the circumstances, marshalling the necessary resources in response was relatively simple.