IR You report an in-depth survey on which American presidential candidate is preferred by voters born under different signs of the zodiac (Primary colour, March 25th).
The US system of colour-coded security alerts may be scrapped under new plans being drawn up by security officials.
BBC: US may scrap colour-coded terror alerts
One of the problems, for white Zimbabweans, is the fact of course that most of you grew up under Ian Smith's rule in a country that was racist and that discriminated against people on the colour of their skin and it's very difficult for you now to come to the international community and ask for sympathy.
BBC: Naomi Raaf, victim of farm violence in Zimbabwe
To add to his inevitable Frenchisms, he also once worked for an American family in Nice, where he studied under their chauffeur, one of the Maloneys of Brooklyn, we are told, and this gives a certain rough colour.
BBC: PG Wodehouse and his French connection