Under the new measures, clubs will be able to boost their squads beyond the 25 limit but only by players under the age of 21.
The new package of measures is still under discussion to reach a target of 5.8bn euros demanded by the EU and IMF, and may include a revised bank levy.
The new measures include getting spending under control, raising taxes to fund the necessary spending and eventually initiating a broader range of reforms to spread the benefits of growth to more people.
The raids, ordered by Interior Minister Otto Schily, were allowed under Germany's new anti-terror measures, passed in November, which lift the constitutional protection of religious organisations.
Under the new Basel III standards, banks will have to increase their tier-1 capital ratio, which measures the capital they hold back from lending or investing, to 4.5% by 2013, from the current standard of 4%.
The yen has weakened by around 20% since mid-November, and came under renewed selling after the BOJ early this month announced bold, new measures to tackle deflation and reignite the Japanese economy.
Under new measures, introduced last week any doctor erased from the medical register will not be allowed to practise for a minimum of five years.
Under some liberal theories, this would allow the president to put some measures of the new arms treaty into effect by executive order.
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Rather than rely on dated but widely accepted measures of performance, like runs batted in and batting average, people like Beane used the new less obvious measures, like on-base percentage, to identify under-valued talent.
FORBES: Michael Lewis and the Cultural Transformation of the Media Business
In Tokyo, the Nikkei rose to its highest level since August 2008 after the Bank of Japan announced a set of bolder-than-expected monetary easing measures under new central bank Governor Haruhiko Kuroda Thursday as part of its commitment to end deflation.
The measures will see sales and marketing brought together and is part of the new regime under David Nish.
The Ministry of Justice also announced new measures on Tuesday to clamp down on criminals hiding their assets to qualify for legal aid under the "Crown Court means-testing scheme".