As Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin explained on Sunday, under the present circumstances, Hamas can be expected to rebuild its arsenals in as little as three months.
The scheme was meant to be finished next year but now developers have said they will not be able to continue with the building work under the present circumstances.
BBC: Council's rescue plan for Bristol's ?255m Finzels Reach
After all, it was finalized at the very moment Eximbank was contending publicly that, under present circumstances, the Bank felt compelled to insist upon collateralized arrangements for its lending to Russia.
He would have given short shrift to the notion that, under present circumstances, we can responsibly enter into a CW ban in the hope of offering a model that others may or may not choose to follow.
Under present circumstances, the private markets cannot offer annuities of this kind, at least not at the scale required to replace Social Security.
FORBES: Why Americans Are Skeptical About Private Social Security Accounts
DeConcini and Richard Lugar (R-IN) and Rep. Hoyer suggesting that, under present circumstances, the United States might have to contemplate deploying ground forces to Bosnia as part of a multilateral effort .
Ironically, if the U.S. does so under present circumstances and outside of an effort to "enforce" the hapless Vance-Owen plan, suchobjectives actually stand a much better chance of being achieved and with less loss of American lives.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Moment Of Truth: The US Must Stop Serbian Aggression Now
Under present circumstances, in which the United States lacks any national missile defense, even the accidental launch of one of these missiles would be catastrophic.
Although you and your colleagues may take up this initiative separately, I would strongly encourage members of this Committee not to repeal the Stevenson and Byrd amendments under present circumstances.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The U.S.-Soviet Trade Agreement: Overtaken By Events
Under present and foreseeable circumstances, the Kozyrev proposal also would give an unfair competitive edge in international arms deals to Russian state-owned industries that are not subject to free enterprise forces.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia Hints at Blackmail Over Arms
Under present and foreseeable circumstances, the question arises: Is it any more responsible more true today for Israel to rely upon such American guarantees than it is for the United States to make them?
It strains credulity, moreover, that the Russian government might seriously consider under present circumstances implementing a threat to ignite a new arms race.
Whatever the merits of high taxes on fuel in ordinary circumstances, there is no respectable case for cutting them under present conditions, in the face of bully-boy tactics, actual or threatened, by pickets outside refineries.
What should the United States be doing in that conflict under present circumstances?
Under the circumstances, young people abandon themselves to the present.
On 30 September, President Yeltsin reportedly sent a letter to France, Germany, Britain and the United States warning against the admission of any former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO under present circumstances and proposing instead a joint guarantee of Eastern Europe's security.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Watch This Space: Russian Military's Chits Being Cashed In
The fact of the matter is that, in his present capacity and under current circumstances, Mr. Ashcroft has to make hard decisions every day about where to draw the line in balancing the need for enhanced security while trying to protect the free and open society that all Americans, and particularly those on the Right, hold so dear.
It is now clear that, as a practical matter under present and foreseeable circumstances, this agenda will only result in the unilateral disarmament of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.
While under present circumstances, such access would entail some personal risk, the absence of an opportunity for reaching informed, independent judgments could compound the implications of this conflict for U.S. and allied policy.
The "new look" in Russian policy towards NATO was also on display in Boris Yeltsin's about-face on the inclusion of Poland, Czechoslovakia or other East European countries in NATO under present circumstances.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Watch This Space: Russian Military's Chits Being Cashed In
Under present and foreseeable circumstances, it seems implausible that Israel can expect to have peace in the absence of secure borders.
While a stronger case can be made (and has been by the Center in the past) for American engagement on behalf of the Bosnian Muslim victims of Serbian aggression, U.S. ground elements should not under present or foreseeable circumstances be deployed to Bosnia-Hercegovina.