Villalobos' decision to follow instructions and roll under the wire "probably saved his life, " Breheny told reporters Friday.
Bruises also indicated that Shane Todd was trying to squeeze his hands under the wire, the family said.
My parents, who were really my first rescuers, pushed me through a hole they had dug under the wire while avoiding the guards, the searchlights and the dogs.
The two Yankees that should be jumping for joy about now: Jorge Posada and Alex Rodriguez, both of whom snuck in under the wire with lucrative extensions granted just after the 2007 season.
The third company to declare a payout Monday took a page out of that book, but also followed in the footsteps of Wal-Mart, which accelerated a dividend payment scheduled for early 2013 to get in just under the wire.
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Heeding instructions, Villalobos rolled "under a hot wire to safety, " and the tiger backed off, Breheny said.
Instead of overcoming my fear of talking to strangers and doing interviews, I decided to wear a wire - a hidden microphone under my shirt - and for the next three years I recorded my life in secret.
Spools of concertina wire top the 10-foot fences that surround the camp, where workers eat under the bright lights of a mess hall, 20 days on, 10 days off.
Under the settlements, Standard Chartered acknowledged it had removed or omitted Iranian information from U.S. dollar wire-payment messages, and that it and its employees had engaged in criminal conduct.
WSJ: Standard Chartered Recants, Apologizes for Iran Comments
Under the settlements, Standard Chartered acknowledged it had removed or omitted Iranian information from U.S. dollar wire payment messages, and that it and its employees had engaged in criminal conduct.
The graveyard dogs soon returned, digging under a vinyl fence built four-feet high with three feet of wire mesh below ground.