That could allow the thief enough time to strip the car in an underground garage.
We no longer had to cross no-mans-land from back roads into the underground garage to avoid snipers.
The snarling Silvio from The Sopranosunleashes deliciously dirty rock at Underground Garage, channel 25 on the Sirius dial.
Fans were checked with wands and cars were subject to random searches as they entered the TD Garden underground garage.
Mr. Blankfein was escorted in and out of the building by federal agents, who drove him out of an underground garage at the courthouse.
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Investigations found that the structure's foundation was weakened by the piling of excavated soil on one side and the digging of an underground garage by an unqualified contractor, China Daily reported.
The problem: The city insisted that the buyers first build a hugely expensive underground parking garage and seawall.
The developer offered to build a 100-acre park and donate it to the city--if it got permits to build an underground parking garage, a nature center and an art museum.
Part of the dispute revolved around a 750-space underground parking garage that WME would have had to share with a rival talent firm, the Gersh Agency, which had recently moved into a building next door.
He had to convince local officials to rezone the land from office to residential and build a giant wall, a half-mile long and 200 feet deep, to keep the Mediterranean from seeping into the underground parking garage.
He had to convince local officials to rezone the land from office to residential and to build a giant wall, almost a kilometer long and 60 meters deep, to keep the Mediterranean from seeping into the underground parking garage.
Soon Jacques Henric will go down to the underground parking garage and climb onto his Honda and venture out into the cold streets of Paris, becoming cold himself, a man who shapes his own destiny, and knows, or at least believes, that he is lucky.
The site was originally intended to be a parking garage until construction uncovered a series of Roman ruins, now preserved in the underground Antiquarium museum.