The metro system in particular, only a few years old, can compare with any underground system in the world.
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Mr Prescott says that much larger sums are needed to provide London with an underground system fit for the 21st century.
This is not an underground system trying to be hidden from view.
He added that the scale of the problem in London could be seen by taking a journey on the capital's Underground system.
Travel would be provided by a streamlined and refurbished underground system, which would also be used at night for transporting freight and goods into central London.
London Stansted airport is a 45-minute journey from the capital and getting to London Heathrow by the underground system can take 50 minutes from parts of the city.
Those who argue (as this paper once did) that London has muddled along nicely without such a thing ignore the capital's crowded roads, antiquated underground system, arbitrary parking controls and struggling health services.
The London Underground, known as the Tube, opened in 1863, making it the oldest underground system in the world, and this year, a series of celebrations are planned for its 150th anniversary.
What's been so interesting here in the UK is this time around - unlike after the July the 7th bombings on the London underground system - everyone universally and rightly has condemned this barbaric act.
And the system's underground vent system, designed to suck away smoke, isn't working.
TfL said it planned to introduce the technology to the London Underground Tube system at a later point.
There is an underground drainage system on site which filters contaminated waste fluids.
That made her part of the underground lending system, a general term that encompasses informal lending networks, private investors, loan sharks and others.
Matt Loxham, a medical biologist at Southampton University, collected minute dust particles of different sizes from at an underground train system in an unnamed European city.
Mr Milosevic cannot bring himself even to implement an agreement he signed with Mr Rugova a year ago which would have brought Kosovo's underground education system back, uncurbed, into the state system.
There is no underground subway system out here to take that can connect LA county to the heart of Los Angeles itself and everything is spaced out with just enough distance that ultimately you have to drive to get from point A to point B.
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's system underground varied widely.
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Green stormwater management is a collection of approaches that is dispersed across public and private land, and not a single system residing underground and maintained by one agency.
In short, UniShared has provoked in our teaching eco-system an underground wave of new learning approach that benefit immediately to both the community of the teachers and the community of the learners.
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They also must take into account that moving electrical lines underground makes routine maintenance of the system more difficult, and thus more expensive.
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The London Underground will soon be deploying a version of this system.
It has examined current demand and congestion forecasts on the Underground after 2020 and assessed the impact on the system of new national projects such as HS2.
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So one way to strengthen the middle class in America is to reform the immigration system so that there is no longer a massive underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor while depressing wages for everybody else.
It requires no active cooling system and can be installed anywhere on earth, even an underground vault.
In opposition to the expanding plantation system of the British, they formed well-organized and efficient underground military units.
Furthermore, the participants of seminar gave practical suggestions for improvement of scientific-research and educational potential of investigation and usage of underground water with an adoption of information and communication technologies, including geographical information system and present-day simulation methods and forecasting approach.
At any rate, the sheikh can console himself with the knowledge that the metro will be the world's biggest computer-operated train system, and its Union Station will have the world's biggest underground railway concourse.
The system consists of sensors fitted on cables throughout the network, both overhead and underground, measuring current and conductor temperature.
The system has a guaranteed lifespan of 50 years and is endlessly sustainable--the underground temperature is determined mainly by the earth-absorbing solar energy.
The agreement calls for the water system to be treated as a single complex ecosystem made up of countless tributaries, underground aquifers and smaller lakes all held in the Great Lakes basin.