On the other, they can plausibly distance themselves from the more underhand attacks on their opponents.
She hints at underhand, possibly criminal, dealings between former INDEC staff, independent Argentine economists and international financiers.
The company has been dogged by accusations of underhand business practices, all of which Huawei strongly denies.
The flag debate has provoked fresh controversy in recent weeks, with Alliance accusing the DUP and UUP of "underhand tactics".
What he saw, down the first base line, was left-handed pitcher Cat Osterman working on her wicked windmill underhand delivery.
If you look it up in the dictionary, one definition for the word has it as a synonym for an underhand plot or conspiracy.
Perhaps, but it's not really as underhand as it sounds, as you can see from the full line of code in the picture above.
No, this is nothing to do with the management of the firm by shifty little types who pass it on in some underhand manner.
"They didn't do anything underhand at all, " he told the BBC.
In recent weeks this technique has caused a rumpus on both sides of the Atlantic, however, because it has been deployed in an apparently underhand way.
Monday's letter, which was also signed by authors Mark Billingham and Jo Nesbo, said it was "likely that other authors are pursuing these underhand tactics as well".
Whether she is suggesting anything underhand took place is unclear.
The prime minister, critics say, is not only damaged by guilt-by-association with Mr McBride, but must also answer for a long-standing practice of employing advisers known to use underhand tactics.
When the Yes campaign hit back with underhand tactics, Saavedra feels the threats on a deeply personal level, rather than as part and parcel of the dirty game of politics.
Wine DNA. Apparently, it's not unknown for underhand vintners to pass off one grape variety as another, and because wine is such a complex beast, how would we ever know?
After Leslie McDonald took a pass from Bullock and moved in for a layup, Hairston scored on an underhand scoop and McDonald drilled a 3 to put North Carolina on top 28-11.
But offering a free hit of personality before charging for your own name feels a little bit underhand, even if it is in black and white when you know where to search.
The striker, who scored six times during Aberdeen's successful Cup-Winners' Cup run in 1983 and netted twice in just four appearances for Scotland, was no stranger to the odd underhand manoeuvre in his quest for goals.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Motherwell | McGhee out to make his mark
During her reading, she said that the child told her how a local earl used the ship, which had connections with Bristol, for underhand practices including the removal of crockery and silverware which did not belong to him.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Psychic 'reads' medieval ship