Of course, putting people in charge of the money supply can create undesired consequences.
Instead, we believe your money should be in the unloved and undesired stock market.
Before taking either step, though, Fed officials would want to have some comfort that they wouldn't be creating undesired inflation.
But historical experiences do yield lessons that convince peoples and their leaders to change their behavior to avoid expected, and undesired, consequences.
How much longer can IT departments shove undesired devices into the hands of employees who would rather use an iPhones or Android?
When the time comes to tighten monetary policy, we must either eliminate these large reserve balances or, if they remain, neutralize any potential undesired effects on the economy.
Its deep troubles are an outgrowth of this undesired branding.
And a large dividend payment may leave some shareholders with unwanted tax bills, whereas a buyback enables individual shareholders to hold on to their shares and avoid undesired tax consequences.
When a conductor makes an announcement about a mysterious, undesired and unscheduled stop, if he or she doesn't know the length of a delay, that's precisely what they will tell you.
The most compelling case for asteroid mining is for a yet-undesired element that turns out to be not abundant in the earth's crust and becomes suddenly valuable because of some future technological advance.
While helping all asset categories to rally, the Greenspan put had an undesired consequence: it caused a synchronous one-direction move across asset categories, undermining the effectiveness of asset diversification in lowering market risks.
Specifically tailored for Tiki's functionality, iZotope's Adaptive Noise Reduction (ANR) analyzes the incoming audio stream to detect and suppress undesired background noise, while Key Click Reduction (KCR) is specially developed to reduce typing noises by "grabbing" rapid rise sounds such as keyboard clicks.
ENGADGET: Blue Microphones Tiki USB mic now available at Best Buy, coming to Apple stores July 15th