The experts said performing CPR in inappropriate cases could result in a distressing and undignified death.
Meanwhile it is forcing Messrs Brown, Darling and Reid into undignified scrambling for new seats.
The row is undignified but it also smacks of everyone trying to cover their backs, and fast.
But the remains of the great George Jefferson actor never should have been subjected to such undignified treatment.
FORBES: Court Ruling Finally Allows Body of Late Jefferson Star To "Move On Up"
Beach volleyball might seem a little undignified for a part of town where skirts rarely transcend the knee.
WSJ: In London, the Queen Gets New Neighbors: Olympic Beach Volleyball Crowd
To keeping paying bills, America could resort to several unorthodox, if undignified, options.
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Extending life expectancy is not a benefit if the last years of life are spent in painful and undignified circumstances.
After a series of undignified and painful reverses, it is now a mere brand belonging to another games giant, Hasbro.
ECONOMIST: Monopoly and other games that conquered the world
Hence the undignified competition between Mr Straw and Ann Widdecombe, his Tory shadow, to appear more mean-spirited than the other.
If you stand back dispassionately, having dementia is a very undignified experience.
British Columbian politics has long been an undignified brawl: not since 1983 has any of the province's premiers completed a full term of office.
Mr Tsvangirai himself has been caught up in an undignified scandal about which of his many recent girlfriends is, or should be, his new wife.
And it goes without saying that we wouldn't be seen dead on those ridiculously small bikes popular with teenagers, which are designed for performing undignified tricks.
It may make more sense today to divide the business of government not into the efficient and the dignified, but into the efficient and the undignified.
Welch gets Croesus' "worst game blamer" award for the week by unnecessarily sticking it to his successor in a very public, quite undignified and highly egocentric manner.
While it's a little undignified for an Engadget editor to be packing an old Samsung Galaxy S (circa 2010), it does open up certain opportunities for experimentation.
ENGADGET: IRL: Mailplane, Verizon Wireless iPad and the Samsung Galaxy S running CM9
Relatively undignified as it is, football offers grounds for hope here: beloved black footballers have probably done more for race relations in Britain than many decrees and activists.
The Clintonized town meeting is inherently undignified, debasing by design.
Some people and even organizations believe that smiley faces, winks and other symbols of digital emotion are unprofessional, undignified, and have no place outside of a high school hallway.
But, as people have grown richer, they have become less willing to take manual jobs that are seen as undesirable and undignified, and often pay only the minimum wage.
He told the court that the publicity had been "totally devastating" for his wife of 48 years, and he could think of "nothing more undignified or humiliating" for his two sons to experience.
Among them: it is inconvenient, undignified and an invasion of your privacy to be forced to remove your shoes, jackets and belts, take off your belt and take your computer from its case.
FORBES: Remember 9/11? TSA Finally Takes Off the Gloves, Reminds Critics of Reality.
One could argue that dignity makes it a little harder to secure those things, because part of what dignity means is not calling attention to oneself, because making a big deal about yourself is undignified.
If that sounds undignified, branch manager Carlos Gomez of Orlando, Florida took his act on the road: Faced with losing a customer to rival Wachovia, he showed up at the fellow's car dealership and washed two cars.