So the certainty in a time of economic uneasiness is a key part of his message.
Something of the same uneasiness surrounded the hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of the Italian state, on March 17th.
In the course of the afternoon an uneasiness had begun to creep into me.
Uneasiness over the final solution to these problems could somewhat limit economic expansion to start the year.
The uneasiness that has prompted higher gold prices can be found everywhere, but especially in the developed world.
The 18-month delay in securing the transport bill was a sign of Downing Street's uneasiness with Mr Prescott's plans.
Even in South Korea, the poster nation for the recovery, there is uneasiness.
There is, too, a troubling knowingness, an uneasiness about how seriously the novel should press down on its seriously interrogative title.
There has been uneasiness on the part of the Mexican government in regard to the President -elect's plans for Latin America.
That said, Gerlach still senses an uneasiness among families about increasing costs.
The couple is also fostering a network of "social entrepreneurs" who share their uneasiness over how few problems are solved by traditional philanthropy.
On the other side, there is also a diffused feeling of uneasiness, if not of fear, of the great potentiality that it can offer.
Even in their announcement detailing Bradshaw's release, it wasn't hard to detect an uneasiness about dumping a member of both their recent Super Bowl triumphs.
Still, the economy managed to expand more in 2012 than in 2011, and consumers and business spending withstood the uneasiness around the fiscal cliff better than most expected.
Combined with Russians' traditional uneasiness about the approach of winter, this risks public panic, which could sweep away Mr Yeltsin, Mr Chernomyrdin, and who knows what else besides.
That same sense of uneasiness is present throughout the game.
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Asian economies could still suffer if uneasiness returns after recent Italian elections failed to produce a clear winner and as deep spending cuts take effect in the U.S.d States.
Also on Wednesday the Heritage Foundation commenced an effort to tackle the underlying cause of the uneasiness manifesting in the streets of America, both Wall and Main, and the world.
The National Assembly was the theater where such French uneasiness played out: The bill required 172 hours of heated and angry discussion, and was the most debated in recent history.
The government in Riyadh depends on the United States for its defence, but has found itself walking a tightrope, with increasing uneasiness among many Saudis over the presence of US troops.
As the economic recovery progresses and companies begin to add payrolls and the unemployed struggle with finding jobs to match their skills, markets are reflecting a serious uneasiness with the national deficit.
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And this morning, when I received a video in my inbox of Stephen Colbert, testifying before a House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration in full conservative blowhard costume, the uneasiness settled right back in.
Whereas most market participants expect a resolution before the Treasury can no longer pay its bills, there is nevertheless a growing uneasiness with protracted political maneuvering that sets up the potential for a U.S. default and credit-rating downgrade, analysts say.
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But Shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander said Labour had been "entirely consistent" since July in arguing for a real-terms cut and played down uneasiness in his own party's ranks over being forced to file through the voting lobbies with right-wing Conservatives.