Many have graduated from college but are unemployed, so many are trying to leave.
The number of unemployed 16-24-year-olds fell by 62, 000 in the three months to August to 957, 000.
The ones who were unemployed, but who took care of the baby while mom went to work.
Even further, those who are unemployed today are going to be less marketable in the future.
Figures showed 15, 000 more people were unemployed in the three months to the end of March.
Equal rights remain not only a problem for those unemployed, but it also undermines productivity.
"But I knew why they had done it, " the 37-year-old unemployed marketing manager says.
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Unemployed Rebecca Kendall, 21, from Hanley has been using it for the past three months.
Todashev was unemployed and had been living on insurance money after surgery for an accident.
Once the chronic unemployed reach retirement age, they switch from Hartz IV to a state pension.
As the unemployed look for work, some are forgoing traditional job-hunting in favor of guerrilla tactics.
France has 3 million unemployed people and faces deep economic problems, including a loss of competitiveness.
There's only one way to prod employers to hire the long-term unemployed: super-tight labor markets.
That's enough jobs to employ 100% of the 13.5 million Americans currently classified as unemployed.
The one where some unemployed bird in Islington gets more than I earn in a year?
News reports in local new media indicate more than 1 million Saudi women are unemployed.
The long-term unemployed are a big part of that 8.5 million jobs that have been lost.
The charity helps people who are unemployed, in debt, suffering from domestic violence or are homeless.
But in the current economy, many college graduates are finding themselves unemployed or underemployed.
The coroner heard how he had appeared depressed after being unemployed for 18 months.
When they tell me they will be unemployed, whatever they do, I find that very troubling.
Muhammad spent four months unemployed, living in a friend's house and struggling to survive.
If the answer is yes, the respondent is considered in the labor force, but unemployed.
Investors suspect that, like Greece, Spain is trapped in a spiral of decline with 25% unemployed.
But in this tough economy, far too many of our veterans are still unemployed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at the American Legion Conference
Petrol and food gift-cards are given out to those who have been unemployed the longest.
The second most common reason given was being unemployed, accounting for 1.03 million people.
The party is proposing a "compulsory jobs guarantee" to get the long-term unemployed into work.
When the economy recovers, there will be many fewer unemployed people who need assistance.
Because of that we have millions of people unemployed, and living on the work of others.
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