Dr Sen's other grouse about the class bias in Indian newsrooms is valid but again unexceptional.
This is unexceptional tripe that becomes insulting once the woeful missteps come into play.
Skeptics point to his unexceptional strikeout rate of 6.7 per nine innings, lowest among the ERA leaders.
What does it mean when we produce the mundane, the unexceptional, the middle of the pack?
Thus far, Mr Neumann's tale seems unexceptional: pragmatic party elders must suffer self-righteous backbenchers in any parliament.
This is such simple language, it might seem unexceptional, but few U.S. presidents have said anything like it.
FORBES: What Good Are Republicans If They Can't Protect Us From Class Warfare?
Rooms of medieval and Renaissance art and a separate pavilion for Asian treasures are fine and absorbing, but unexceptional.
He was a capable but unexceptional student with a habit of telling his teachers what he thought of them.
In Linthorpe Road, an otherwise unexceptional shopping street, lies a more surprising example.
Wal-Mart, Microsoft and other hugely successful American companies have been led by rather unexceptional people with little sense of humour.
With unexceptional talent, Bruyneel managed to stay at the sport's highest levels with a superior grasp of strategy, planning, tactics and psychology.
Even if the employees' performance and career potential are unexceptional, their institutional knowledge, direct relationships, or technical expertise can make their retention critical.
The grounds and the 102 casita-style accommodations are lovely but unexceptional.
As should be clear from a casual perusal of the past 40-odd years of great power politics, the use of terrorist forces is completely banal and unexceptional.
But it quickly became a mantra that the unsuspecting public applied equally to every aspect of life, using it as a justification for unexceptional, and even careless, behavior.
Putting aside her faith in the life-sustaining qualities of olive oil, the Californian researchers assumed that Mrs Calment's otherwise unexceptional life had been prolonged because of her genes.
The visiting team had looked comfortable enough during an unexceptional opening nine minutes but neither Friedel nor Dunne could prevent Caldwell from heading his first goal of the season.
He seemed unexceptional until I realized that the women trying to comfort him were not his guardians, did not know him, and could not figure out what language he was speaking.
Dr Sen offers unexceptional solutions to ensure accuracy - newspapers should publish corrections (a few like The Hindu and Mint already do) and journalists should be given more training.
The squad is now seen for what it is: a group of committed but unexceptional players, albeit enlivened, as with many collective English enterprises (governments, armies) by one dashing individual, the striker Wayne Rooney.
ECONOMIST: The intertwined fates of a people and their football team
But they are certainly accounting for a larger proportion of banking profits than ever before and, says Charles Peabody, an analyst at Mitchell Securities, they are disguising unexceptional performance in some of these firms' other business lines.
The most important man in the American Energy Boom wears brown slacks and a checkered shirt and sits in a modest corner office with unexceptional views of downtown Houston and some forgettable art on the wall.
They were heavily influenced by the success of FoxSports, a once unexceptional Web site, after it cut a deal for prominent placement on Microsoft's msn network--and then saw traffic leap from 2.2 million to 10.4 million visitors per month.
In an unexceptional report warning that India could be the first Bric nation to lose its investment grade status, the agency's economists say Mr Singh "often appears to have limited ability to influence his cabinet colleagues and proceed with the liberalisation policy he favours".
Similarly, after Wesley Autrey-- aka the Subway Hero -- leaped onto New York City subway tracks to save someone who'd fallen in front of a train back in 2007, many observers later pointed to Autrey's Navy service to explain why this otherwise unexceptional man sprang to action while everyone else simply watched.