An unfair dismissal case taken by Wells against his former employers was concluded by last week's settlement.
It implies that people aged over 65 will have the same rights on unfair dismissal as younger workers.
Michael Woodford, the sacked British former chief executive of Olympus, has settled his claim of unfair dismissal with the Japanese camera firm.
Firms have even lost unfair dismissal suits to employees they have sacked in order to settle sexual-harassment suits brought by other employees.
It concludes that the "risk of the department facing hundreds of unfair dismissal claims" can be avoided if the procedures are properly followed.
"A claim for unfair dismissal was made and had to be dealt with and that weighed heavily on her, " Dr Galt told the hearing.
In return, the employee would give up certain rights, including unfair dismissal, redundancy, training rights and also the right to ask for flexible working.
Mr Wilby said he was also considering claiming unfair dismissal because he believed he was dismissed while still serving out his notice of resignation.
Therefore, most lawyers will advise high-earning clients to pursue claims for both unfair dismissal and discrimination if they have any evidence of the latter.
An Essex dinner lady who was sacked after telling parents their child was bullied must wait for the result of her claim for unfair dismissal.
At a seven-day hearing at Bedford Employment Tribunals last October, Mr Harlock claimed automatic unfair dismissal for whistle-blowing for which the hearing found in his favour.
Wells was sacked by Kennedy and Martin in October 2008 which led to an unfair dismissal case which was settled out of court 13 months later.
But Downing Street sources told BBC political correspondent Robin Brant no decisions had been made, and added it was "unlikely we would go further on unfair dismissal".
BBC: Scrap unfair dismissal claims for lazy workers - report
He said this was because some employers believed it protected them from claims of unfair dismissal, the need to give notice and the obligation to make redundancy payments.
He cited the increase in time an employee has to work before they can claim unfair dismissal as an example of how the government will lift the burden on business.
We could either accept a consensual deal for 12 months, or the situation would drift on and we would find ourselves with a constructive dismissal (claim) and also an unfair dismissal.
The Department for Education has been warned it could face hundreds of unfair dismissal claims if it pushes ahead with plans in England to axe about 1, 000 jobs and cut its costs by 50%.
The message said the gagging order covered not only Mr Walker but also his family and witnesses to the unfair dismissal claim and told him to withdraw statements made in the interview broadcast on Thursday.
At a pre-hearing review in March 2009, employment judge David Sneath granted Nicholson permission to make his claim for unfair dismissal under the UK's Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations which came into force in 2003.
"However, the announcement today makes quite clear that 'retirement will not constitute unfair dismissal if it is on or after 65', so older people can in fact be dismissed in a way younger people cannot, " Mr Willetts said.
The case of a woman minister in Cornwall who sued the Methodist church for unfair dismissal an action initially rejected by an employment tribunal, then upheld on appeal is working its way through the legal system, with a hearing next week.
The three contestants, who had taken part in the show on the private TV channel, TF1, were awarded 11, 000 euros each in compensation, including 8, 176 euros in overtime, 817 euros for being denied a holiday, 500 euros for unfair dismissal, and 1, 500 euros for the wrongful termination of their contracts.
One recent visitor there wanted advice on an unfair-dismissal suit he is bringing against a foreign joint-venture.
Speaking for the first time since then, Mr Henderson said he believed his dismissal was unfair and was a result of a "clash of personalities".
In a judgement received last week, the tribunal also ruled the dismissal was unfair because it was not a real redundancy and proper consultation procedures were not followed.
"We don't want to undermine the college authorities or decisions they make, but in this case we think their reaction is excessive and the dismissal is unfair, " she said.
If the reason for dismissal in such claims is found to be capability, the process adopted will clearly be unfair.
In May, Court of Appeal judges said her dismissal by then children's secretary Ed Balls and her employers, Haringey Council, was "procedurally unfair".