He said unfilled vacancies should be taken into account when producing the school performance tables.
The company would not say how many jobs are being eliminated, but they include unfilled positions.
This has led to a real brain drain nationally, with thousands of high-paying jobs left unfilled.
Today he announced plans to cut another 7, 200 positions (400 of them are currently unfilled).
Lord Coe spoke out as the row mounted over unfilled seats in several Olympic venues.
Germany has around 1.5m unfilled job vacancies, some 40% of them for unskilled or semi-skilled workers.
As a result, positions often go unfilled, or insufficiently qualified people have to be taken on.
In reality, some unauthorized immigrants are forced out of jobs, which then mostly remain unfilled.
The Good Shepard PS and St Keiran's PS currently have 511 and 290 unfilled pupil places respectively.
It also cited the issue of unfilled school places as being a major problem for local authorities.
Even so, many administrative posts are still unfilled, including that of economic adviser to the prime minister.
In Anglesey around 26% of primary school places remain unfilled, with 22.3% going surplus in secondary schools.
In a tight labour market, he says, people have to adjust their expectations: there are always unfilled vacancies.
Unfilled, the meat cooks more quickly and evenly, and it caramelizes all over, inside as well as out.
Boeing has more than 800 unfilled orders from airlines around the globe that will take years to fill.
In January, the BBC revealed that 558 nursing shifts were left unfilled over a four-week period in December.
It plans to make the cuts through a combination of layoffs, attrition, voluntary leaves and leaving job openings unfilled.
Even with U.S. unemployment stubbornly hovering near 9%, American technology companies have tens of thousands of unfilled, high-paying jobs.
Founded just seven months ago the app-startup offers both iPhone and Android users cheap deals on unfilled hotel rooms.
Local governments struggle to hire managers and engineers, leaving many essential posts unfilled.
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However, brokers frequently have off-setting short sales on their books that remain unfilled.
Over the phone, they inquire about emerging health issues, check for insurance or housing problems, ask about unfilled prescriptions.
In August 2010, 40% of locations remained empty, and in July 2009 70% were unfilled, according to previous studies.
Managers at Poltair Hospital near Penzance said it was a temporary problem, caused by staff illness and unfilled vacancies.
Who really has the know-how to create more good jobs and help Americans qualify for the unfilled ones that already exist?
FORBES: Let's Ask Entrepreneurs: Who Will Really Create Jobs?
Connectria President Richard Waidmann predicts that a service provider with unfilled appointments might some day engage in Priceline.com-style discounting to fill them.
CNN: Analysis: Brace yourself for the e-scheduling revolution
They say ongoing unfilled vacancies have created a crisis in many federal courts, with bulging dockets being handled by too few judges.
Gosport, Fareham and East Hampshire councils said no cuts were planned but some posts would be left unfilled if they became vacant.
In subsequent years, the weak economy left thousands of H-1B spots unfilled.
Even today when 20 million Americans are out of jobs, there are 3 million job openings requiring technical expertise that remain unfilled.
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