Inevitably, I get bored after 15 hours or so because the storytelling is so unfocused.
But the cloud, and even Big Data, are still unfocused, fast-moving and protean marketplaces.
He's still way too unfocused, opines Allen Adamson, managing director of brand identity consultancy Landor Associates.
His eyes, which normally wandered the room, vacant and unfocused, flickered with the light of consciousness.
You may have been asking unfocused questions when you were at an earlier stage in your search.
By the time O'Reilly handed his job to Johnson two years later, Heinz was an unfocused mishmash.
Oki, meanwhile, may or may not get some growth out of its new telephone gear and remains unfocused.
After all, a large but unfocused group is of no value to anyone.
When we are scattered, inattentive and unfocused, daily life becomes stressed and frenetic.
The company was called a basket-case, spread too thin, terrible employee morale, unfocused.
If they're unfocused, you don't know quite how to continue what you're doing.
It offers no guaranteed solution to the long-lamented lack of a unified platform or strategy for the unfocused opposition.
Some schools rely too much on "unfocused support from untrained staff", he adds.
By 2003 he had an unfocused mix of customers, including Coca-Cola, some groundwater remediators and the Bronx Zoo in New York.
And when you're playing in front of an audience, you're aware every moment of how focused or unfocused the audience is.
The innovation process at Google is messy, to the point where it is derided by many as unfocused and too costly.
FORBES: Aspire to Emulate Apple? Unfortunately, You're No Steve Jobs.
It paints a picture of a CEO who is unfocused and lost.
FORBES: New York Times Proves Clint Eastwood Correct -- Obama Is Lousy CEO
Oki, meanwhile, may or may not get some growth out of its new telephone gear and remains as unfocused as it ever was.
Instead, the message that comes across from the marketing slide is, sorry to say, this: Me-too product, with an unfocused global push behind it.
If only the sparkle-free, visually unfocused staging looked half so good.
WSJ: Into the Woods | Bring It On | Midsummer Night's Muddle | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout
The great Chicago fire in 1871 and the San Francisco earthquake and fire in 1906 were tides of destruction rolling for days across large, unfocused landscapes.
If you know that you are just too unfocused after a full day of work, then you have to get up early for your side business.
FORBES: Balancing A Job and Side Business, Part 1: Time and Energy
And part of that process was to make the goals clear and focused, as opposed to broad and unfocused, which they have been in the past.
It is better for an individual organization to choose one focus and perform well, rather than choose both SME and IDE, leaving the organization unfocused and unsuccessful.
FORBES: Drawing The Line: Why Startups Are 'Sexy' And Small Businesses 'Meh'
Unlike the unfocused wrath of the Occupy Wall Street movement, the actions aimed at limiting executive pay in Switzerland and the European Union have a serious substantive basis.
According to critics within his party, Kasich, 45, may be the GOP's most inspiring communicator, but he's too young, too arrogant and too unfocused to run for president.
Motorola thought Teledesic was unfocused, Teledesic thought Motorola was arrogant.
Indeed, the ensembles, which are key in this opera, often sound muddy and unfocused, and Maurizio Benini, the conductor, did a pedestrian job without supplying any bel canto lightness.
WSJ: L'Elisir d'Amore | Metropolitan Opera | An Elixir for Change | By Heidi Waleson
Being unfocused, on the other hand, while very difficult to do, offers the greatest chance to go for the brass ring of not just being an industry leaders, but the industry platform.
Many were unfocused, bureaucratic and naive about entrepreneurship.