He likes unglamorous niche products like the "middleware" that insurers use to link various databases.
On one side is the solid, if unglamorous, figure of Pedro Solbes, the finance minister.
Yet young people today are less willing to join a trade viewed as manual and relatively unglamorous.
And there is an honest look at the noble if unglamorous path of Laszlo, following his convictions.
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You get used to the fact that bike racing in the U.S. is mostly an unglamorous place.
But to outsiders the lesson seemed to be that selling to online consumers was actually a difficult, unglamorous business.
It prefers unglamorous companies that sell things like sewage pumps and pulp-processing mats.
Thousands of Americans feel a duty to volunteer for those unglamorous, non-lucrative jobs.
Most of the tasks involved in running the government are unglamorous and non-lucrative.
German companies have excelled at seeking out unglamorous but profitable niches, and then focusing relentlessly on being the best.
The unglamorous work of caregiving may give human beings the chance to figure out just how those darned brooms work.
He was like the rest of us riff-raff, middle class kids from unglamorous hard working families who believed in the future.
Nelson corralled quality director Brent James and pressed him to delve into the unglamorous nitty-gritty of changing the entire hospital chain.
It's an unglamorous business and one where size and efficiency mean everything.
In unglamorous, non-export oriented services Germany is in a much sorrier state.
For its nuts and bolts, this vision relies on two unglamorous technologies.
Unglamorous industries such as construction and metalworking also face growing staff shortages.
The unglamorous setting and the last-minute nature of the call suggests the deal may not have been easy to broker, our correspondent adds.
Perhaps more needs to be spent on the unglamorous task of building new health delivery systems, and less on the actual drugs themselves.
Ms Wei's struggle to return a single student to his books is gritty and unglamorous and young Wei is persistent and poker-faced throughout.
Targeting a large and unglamorous niche can yield tremendous monetary rewards.
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More startling still is the sudden cut to hard, unglamorous gray-greens, and the sight of Freddie hacking the heads off cabbages in a California field.
They bring with them a fixed idea of what a university is all about, and are unexcited by what they consider their chancellor's unglamorous goal.
He's well known as a proponent of the "dogs of the Dow" strategy, which focuses on the highest-yielding (and usually unglamorous) stocks of the Dow Jones industrial average.
D. in finance from the distinctly unglamorous University of Nebraska.
What remains of the order of battle is crippled by a lack of the unglamorous, costly supports that are the first to go when there isn't enough money.
Cynics among the teaching profession might be surprised that this was not a glad-handing, promotional trip, but was an assiduous and unglamorous trawl of the German education system.
Lance Armstrong didn't want to live in that unglamorous place.
Give him an inch, and he will indeed take an hour to discuss the crucial but unglamorous restructuring of global financial institutions and liquidity ratios, or so it can seem.