Beneath the big, galloping fun of American Slang lies a unifying theme about the fleeting nature of youth.
Nokia is forging a clearer path for the future, by unifying its disparate parts.
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The statement "signed army council IRA", said a number of organisations were unifying under one leadership.
There's no unifying belief as there was in communism, as clearly flawed as that was.
The one unifying force the Eurozone might have had was mutual financial and economic interest.
In other words, this is a sophisticated operation to get a unifying army stood up.
He said that unifying the rebel forces on the ground would be a priority.
Develop a strong, unifying mission and vision, and constantly communicate it throughout the company.
The world must wait to see how unifying such a doctrinaire figure can really be.
That would mean unifying Mr Barzani's and Mr Talabani's administrations, and holding region-wide elections.
In this archipelago of hundreds of islands, the church was a rare centralising and unifying force.
That is a problem for Russian liberals, who, unlike the Communists, lack organisation or unifying leaders.
These include improving tax collection by unifying the different agencies under a single roof.
Examining things even further, look at how Microsoft is unifying the Windows and Xbox brands.
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Somali clan rivalries have a habit of pulling Somalia's governments apart, however unifying the call of Islam.
This will be a great and unifying mission for NASA. And we know that you'll achieve it.
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Finding another unifying cause in a party divided between market-friendly liberals and social democrats will be tough.
And the very next big thing was the War in Iraq, which has been anything but unifying.
Yet he has abandoned the Clintons for what he says is the unifying message of Mr Obama.
And in a gimme to the rich, it includes unifying the gift tax and the estate tax.
He will still have to watch how Hillary Clinton reacts in the interests of unifying the party.
But as a party, we need to start unifying and tell the American people why we are different.
There is a unifying design in nature, asserts Bejan but that fact requires no deity or other supernatural agent.
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The Poles seem keener on unifying than the Germans, according to a study by Topos, a research firm.
In a country not tied together by the glues of ethnicity or religion, they perform a unifying role.
Obama on Tuesday downplayed the idea that his party will have trouble unifying once there is a nominee.
By unifying 11 currencies into the euro and opening Europe's capital markets, the Europeans have given themselves another problem.
We see unifying curricula among the states as an important step in enhancing the educational readiness of the nation.
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One unifying theme in markets has been universal betterment of the economic picture.
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Some proposals, such as unifying the core countries' criminal-justice systems, present huge challenges.