The one unifying force the Eurozone might have had was mutual financial and economic interest.
In this archipelago of hundreds of islands, the church was a rare centralising and unifying force.
For centuries, culture has been as often a divisive as a unifying force.
He chaired the Labour Party nationally, and was a unifying force in the 80s and 90s, shadowing health and education.
No matter how stressed your family is at any point in time, this plan can be a unifying force for your family.
Rice thanked the president for his leadership, and stressed that whoever leads the new government must be a unifying force, the spokesman said.
The King is viewed by most Thais as a symbol of stability and a unifying force in what has often been a politically divided country.
Language so obvious, perhaps, that hardly anyone mentions it is a unifying force.
Al-Qa' ida is not the unifying force behind the threat and, even if it were completely rooted out tomorrow, the ideology of violent lslamist extremism would continue to threaten the homeland.
And if he can't pitch this year, he plans to be a unifying force, a father figure, a clubhouse mascot, a deity on crutches giving the team something to rally around.
Following the example of his father, Hussein, King Abdullah has presented himself with considerable success as a unifying force, a constitutional monarch representing the will of his people, says the BBC's Arab affairs analyst Sebastian Usher.
And signalling his intention to fight on the Blairite centre ground he said that with the Lib Dems in coalition with the Tories he believed Labour can be a "great unifying force on all shades of centre left opinion in this country".
Chavez was a driving force in unifying Latin America, creating new regional organizations like the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
It's not easy for a military to evolve from ground zero, and I appreciate our forces, and I appreciate General Casey, who have worked very hard to train the Iraqis so they become a capable fighting force, as well as a unifying element for Iraq.