Such behavior amounts to an egregious example of unilateral disarmament in War of Ideas.
Mr. Obama is engaged in similar unilateral disarmament with respect to the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
At that point, it will be problematic to resist implementation of even the most radical, unilateral disarmament agendas.
At the same time, the United States is indulging in one of its periodic bouts of unilateral disarmament.
President Obama's deliberate and far-reaching unilateral disarmament of both U.S. conventional and nuclear forces through budgetary actions and malign neglect.
But the real nature of our unilateral disarmament is something very different.
This reality is documented in an analysis originally published by the Center on 3 October 1989, entitled Banning Chemical Weapons: Negotiating U.S. Unilateral Disarmament.
If we were to sign a treaty with the Americans tomorrow envisaging America's full unilateral disarmament and surrender to Russia, they would oppose that as well.
It is now clear that, as a practical matter under present and foreseeable circumstances, this agenda will only result in the unilateral disarmament of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.
Cutting back on education would amount to unilateral disarmament.
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It is more accurate to say, however, that - given the corrosive effect of obsolescence on the safety, reliability and credibility of our aging nuclear arsenal - it amounts to unilateral disarmament.
After all, they stand to benefit from a huge shift in what the Soviets used to call the strategic "correlation of forces" should America actually follow through with this sort of unilateral disarmament.
As most Americans still regard unilateral disarmament to be ill-advised, the Administration has seized upon the simultaneous and accelerated pursuit of several arms reduction accords as a means of making a virtue of political necessity.
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The moratorium was one of a series of unilateral disarmament actions taken at that time, which included the 1993-94 legislation prohibiting design of low-yield nuclear weapons and the 1995-96 agreement on a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).
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Thanks to sixteen years of inattention, purposeful neglect and willful unilateral disarmament measures under both Republican and Democratic administrations, the United States nuclear arsenal is steadily obsolescing, becoming ever-more-problematic to maintain and increasingly losing its deterrent credibility.
Announcement Fulfills Bush Unilateral Disarmament Gameplan (No. 93-D 17, 8 March 1993), which describes how the failure to provide for future sources of the special nuclear material tritium will render all U.S. nuclear weapons ineffectual early in the next century.
In the midst of all these crises, Obama has maintained faith with his two central foreign policy goals: forcing Israel to withdraw to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines and scaling back the US nuclear arsenal with an eye towards unilateral disarmament.
We engage in such unilateral disarmament at our extreme peril - both to the forces who truly need to be second to none as they fight the nation's wars, and to the rest of us whom they thereby seek to safeguard.
Even though he professes that a nuclear-free globe will not be realized any time soon, he is condemning the nation to unilateral disarmament by allowing the steady and unavoidable obsolescence of the U.S. stockpile, and the dissipation of the workforce and infrastructure needed to maintain it, to continue unabated.
This potentially disastrous aspect of the Obama program for unilateral disarmament is being compounded by the President's continuing hostility towards missile defenses that might mitigate, at least somewhat, the danger posed by ballistic missiles now proliferating among states and even terrorist groups like Hezbollah that are virulently hostile to this country and our friends.
This potentially disastrous aspect of the Obama program for unilateral disarmament is being compounded by one other phenomenon: the President's continuing and deeply ideological hostility towards missile defenses that might mitigate the danger posed by ballistic missiles now proliferating among states - and even terrorist groups like Hezbollah - that are virulently hostile to this country and our friends.
Labour's backing for unilateral nuclear disarmament had been dropped.
Particularly at a moment when more and more nations appear to be pursuing their own nuclear weapons programs, it is the height of irresponsibility to condemn the United States to a state of unilateral nuclear disarmament.
Egypt's demand, which it convinced more than a hundred members of the Non-Aligned bloc to sign onto, is for Israel to open its nuclear installations to international inspectors as a first step towards unilateral nuclear disarmament.
The most vocal opponents of Trident are members of Mr Blair's own party, many of them veterans of a more left-wing era when Labour's commitment to unilateral nuclear disarmament helped consign the party to serial election defeats.
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But while Texas Gov. George W. Bush promises to run a different kind of campaign, based on an optimistic, upbeat message and devoid of unfair, negative attacks, I don't get the sense that he's really talking unilateral campaign disarmament.
The party's support for unilateral nuclear disarmament was thought to have contributed to its defeat in the election of 1987, and so taught its modernisers to steer wide of any policy that might be construed as softness on defence.
If a President whose monomaniacal attachment to wishful thinking is replaced by a man and an Administration prepared to reckon with the world as it really is not just as we wish it to be then the United States may yet be spared further travel down the dangerous road toward effective unilateral chemical disarmament.
If a President whose monomaniacal attachment to wishful thinking is replaced by a man and an Administration prepared to reckon with the world as it really is -- not just as we wish it to be -- then the United States may yet be spared further travel down the dangerous road toward effective unilateral chemical disarmament.
The Center for Security Policy today released an analysis entitled Banning Chemical Weapons: Negotiating Unilateral U.S. Disarmament.