He or she enjoys products and services unimagined in 1973: personal computers, cellphones, video on demand.
Google Glass may be a fun experiment in building another mobile platform to attract as-yet-unimagined revenue streams.
In other words, there appears to be very little in this terror attack which was unforeseen or unimagined.
The Chatmon creation, in turn, would be appropriated by others, travelling through decades and across cultures unimagined in 1930.
Fortunes will be amassed through the emergence of mCommerce, mobile advertising, in-app purchases and other new, unimagined business models.
On the one hand, education (meant here in the broadest possible sense) provided him with unimagined opportunities for learning and upward social mobility.
That's why President Kennedy pointed us to the moon, knowing that the exploration of the skies above would lead to unimagined discoveries here on Earth.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders
Both men would have been ready to draw on unimagined resources.
Before us, at the dawn of a new millennium, we can envision a new era that escapes the 20th century's darkest moments, fulfills its most brilliant possibilities, and crosses frontiers yet unimagined.
Although they are decades from being practical, according to researchers, quantum computers may one day add previously unimagined computing power to such complex tasks as database-searching and breaking secret codes, tasks that now require powerful supercomputers.
And persuading public servants to abandon their paper-shuffling ways and embrace change on a hitherto unimagined scale will require relentless pressure as well as some of the carrots and sticks that keep people going in the private sector.
Such experiments were common topics of conversation in the Godwin household, where the philosopher William Godwin played host to scientific wizards such as Humphry Davy, who had used the voltaic pile to develop electrolysis and whose sensationally popular lectures proclaimed that science was poised to unleash powers previously unimagined, and perhaps even liberate the spark of life itself.