No president can be uninterested in the Middle East because there is so much at stake.
Sixty-two percent said one of the most detrimental mistakes a candidate can make is appearing uninterested.
More and more people are uninterested in voting for a pale version of failed policies.
Many companies are reluctant or uninterested in discussing the issue, and concrete information has been difficult to obtain.
It amused him to claim that he was a financial dunce, uninterested in such matters as debt-to-equity ratios.
But don't be too quick to assume that we are uninterested in power.
The surly, handsomest youth, bent over the table at the far left, looks uninterested in anything but his money.
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Most young men and women, however, seem uninterested in using the polarizing word.
FORBES: Who's Afraid of Post-Feminism? What It Means To Be A Feminist Today
While Mr. Sharif's two sons appear uninterested in politics, his daughter has taken a front-line role in this election campaign.
The video aimed to reach out to a young female audience normally uninterested in science by having a pop feel.
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By doing so he told everyone beyond our borders that the U.S. was turning inward, becoming uninterested in their concerns.
It has to be seen as not only disinterested but also largely uninterested in the content that moves through it.
Detachment is usually associated with a slacker mentality: a cold, dispassionate, uninterested, apathetic, even condescending attitude toward life and others.
FORBES: CEOs, Egos and Logos: Overcoming the Sudden Squalls of Leadership
Many fans, uninterested in waiting for the problem to be fixed, either gave up or turned to alternate streaming services.
Venture capitalists are uninterested because startups can't afford the long FDA approval process, distribution costs or establishing reimbursement from insurance companies.
The 266th pope will inherit a gerontocracy obsessed with turf and Italian politics, uninterested in basic management practices and hostile to reforms.
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Bendtner had appeared marginally uninterested, but that changed during the course of an sparkling 20-minute spell from the Danish forward before half-time.
Write for the worst possible audience: someone who is busy and uninterested.
The new offerings are also of higher quality than tried and true menu items, attracting those previously uninterested in eating at fast-food restaurants.
Clyde were fortunate to survive another penalty claim when Chris Higgins appeared to handle in the area, but referee William Collum was uninterested.
The US was uninterested in seizing the ship because it was uninterested in provoking a confrontation with Teheran, which it seeks to engage.
For the first 15 seconds, one person - often masked or in a helmet - dances in front of apparently oblivious or uninterested people.
John Simkin, who went to school in Dagenham in the 1950s, says the ready availability of factory work made for uninterested and rowdy classrooms.
"There are two kinds of people who do not go to the opera: those who can't afford it and those who are uninterested, " he adds.
But it is hard for politicians to demand that broadcasters and viewers take more of an interest in Parliament when they seem so uninterested themselves.
Catz and Phillips were amazingly, and perfectly uninterested in the top title, or told me as much four years ago in this Forbes cover story.
To American kids, she must have seemed completely other: tall, foreign, uninterested in sports, and, by the age of nine, dedicated to becoming a professional actress.
JETRO, which like most Japanese organisations seems uninterested in whether such talent is being wasted, did not bother to count how many of those million workers were women.
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Too often, Mr. Obama seems either uninterested in the global threats we face, unpersuaded that they constitute dangers to the country, or content simply to blame his predecessors.
Summers and I were both speaking on a panel at an event at Harvard University one time, and his body language showed he was completely uninterested in being there.