Sinn Fein's two ministers on the Northern Ireland Executive, Martin McGuinness and Bairbre de Brun, might refuse to work in the buildings should the Union flag be flown without the Irish tricolour at its side.
So, we put on our tuxedos and made our way down the chilly side street that led to the neo-Gothic buildings of the Oxford Union.
Improvements to Union Terrace Gardens, and landmark buildings, are instead proposed.
Although the document doesn't explicitly state it, Alliance officials confirm that their preferred policy for all council buildings is to fly the union flag on designated days, which, if adopted, could create a stir in those western districts, which don't currently fly flags.
No books, no buildings, no busses, no union bosses marching on state capitals.
The Union flag will no longer be flown from police buildings and should be replaced by a new Northern Ireland Police Service Flag.
There is also substantial unease among unionists about whether the Union Flag would continue to be flown on government buildings in Northern Ireland.
Following the council's decision in December, unionists attempted to push through a similar review extending the number of days the Union flag is flown over Stormont's parliament buildings.
The Independent Alliance Group say they want to invest in the current Union Terrace Gardens and as many of the landmark buildings in Aberdeen city centre as possible.
Yet without it, not only the energy industry, but also domestic aviation, railways, public buildings and other legacies of the Soviet Union's industrialisation will decay with increasing speed, putting the bits of Russian industry that are trying to modernise at even more of a competitive disadvantage than the one that they face already.
The European Union recently began enforcing stricter rules on energy measures for new buildings.
Now unionists at Stormont are calling for the Union flag to be flown 365 days a year over Parliament Buildings - a proposal that seems destined to divide the cross-party commission that manages the Assembly building.
That case, brought by the New York Civil Liberties Union, which challenges the legality of similar trespass stops made outside buildings all around the city, is pending.
WSJ: Stop-and-Frisk Trial Begins Over New York Police Department Policy
This Kosovar tycoon made his fortune as a builder in Russia and the former Soviet Union and has plastered Kosovo with posters of the Kremlin and other buildings he worked on, stating how many Kosovars he employed on each.
Although the union flag is flying over Belfast City Hall, it has not been raised over Parliament Buildings, Stormont.
The Clean Halls lawsuit was filed by the New York Civil Liberties Union and Bronx Defenders on behalf of Ligon and others who live in South Bronx apartment buildings enrolled in the program.