• "Our strategy is to take one of the centipede's legs, " says Lynn Blodgett, 45, head of ACS' business-process outsourcing unit.

    FORBES: The human factor

  • GE's business-process outsourcing unit in India.

    ECONOMIST: Beating the mid-life crisis

  • If a team, area, or business unit is not open to the process, find out why, and explore ways to change their resistance into active involvement.

    FORBES: Give Your Business the Cold Eye

  • So, too, was Glendon Engert, a 35-year-old locksmith hired by the apartment complex's management company to get access to the unit as part of the eviction process, said Adams.


  • The megahertz number so often cited in the marketing materials of computer companies refers to the computer's central processing unit chip as a partial measure of its ability to process data.

    FORBES: Silicon Confusion

  • Professor Fugger from the Medical Research Council Human Immunology Unit said the fact the drug was already licensed would speed up the process of getting the treatment to patients should it be prove effective.


  • Dr Stuart White, head of the Public Policy Unit at Oxford University, is an advocate of citizen's inheritance, moving the process of inheriting money away from families deciding who gets what, to redistribute wealth.


  • PayPal unit, charge nonprofits a 2.2% fee plus 30 cents per transaction solely to process donations, while others like FirstGiving charge 7.5%, including credit-card transaction fees, to manage online fund-raising campaigns.

    WSJ: Fee Bite for Web Donations

  • Brady alleges that on 30 September last year, staff wearing riot gear dragged him from his former ward to the hospital's personality disorder unit - "a dumping ground for psychopaths" - injuring his wrist in the process.

    BBC: News | UK | Brady's death wish

  • In fact, sometimes it was a bit hard to tell if something had already been synced, or was just streaming off of our computer, or was in the process of both, since for the most part things "just work" with the unit.

    ENGADGET: Apple TV: the mother of all interface galleries

  • For example, you shut off the unit or the battery dies, and you have to start at the beginning or go through a medieval process of physically recording track numbers.

    CNN: Too soon for totable tunes?

  • The new technology platform can be embedded in an existing design or operate as a stand-alone unit, with options to compute the location locally or transmit the information to a remote system which can process the data before visualising it on a smartphone app.

    ENGADGET: Cambridge Consultants develops indoor tech to pick up where GPS drops off

  • But the costly distillation process is so energy-intensive that just 1.1 units of energy are produced for every unit used.

    CNN: Green breakthrough for 'biodiesel'

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