Plymouth and Torbay Councils are not included in the report as they are unitary authorities.
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Shropshire Council is facing its first all-out elections since the unitary authority was created in 2009.
But Labour's Lord McKenzie of Luton said there was a "genuine local appetite" for unitary status.
Plymouth's unitary authority city council is also believed to be involved in the waste collection talks.
In 1960 Cyprus was established as a bicommunal unitary republic, not as a federal one.
Mr Lavery had been in charge at Cornwall Council since 2008, before it became a unitary authority.
The Tories still do not control any of the large metropolitan district or unitary councils in England.
Scottish Labour MSP Graeme Pearson asked about the level of parliamentary scrutiny of the new unitary police board.
But none of the 22 unitary authorities in Wales had so far introduced this, according to the union.
Israel today is governed by a proportional electoral system that treats the entire country as a unitary voting district.
Last year the unitary authority announced it had been forced to review its "non-statutory" services because of funding cuts.
The unitary authority will continue to look after a further 56 public toilets, but some charges may be introduced.
The unitary authority replaced a county council and four district councils in 2009.
The neighbouring unitary Plymouth City Council has certainly had its up and downs since it was created in 1998.
But in a country as unitary and homogenous as Britain, a bit of variety must be a good thing.
It has the lowest council tax in Kent and one of the lowest charges among unitary councils across England.
Mr Turner joined the council - formerly known as Woodspring District Council, in 1989, before it became a unitary authority.
The euro's success so far has suggested that a currency can be stable without the backing of a unitary state.
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More autonomy would certainly offend conservative Thais who insist on the unitary nature of the country, with the king presiding.
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For example, in Hampshire there are 1, 091 (including the Unitary Authorities of Portsmouth and Southampton, not including the Isle of Wight).
The WEP supports economic growth and investment in the region and represents the four unitary authorities for Bristol, Bath and Weston-super-Mare.
Officially, the Bosnian Serbs gave up their quest to join Serbia, and Bosniaks gave up their dream of a unitary state.
He said that there should be two unitary authorities - one in the north and one in the south of the county.
The site is specifically designated for housing in the local Unitary Plan.
Nobody expects a single unitary mayor, nor police force, for Greater Paris.
The county, including the Plymouth and Torbay unitary areas, saw an increase from 17, 785 claimants in November 2010 to 19, 930 in November 2011.
All wards were up for election on the unitary authority, which has been controlled by the Tories since it was created in 2009.
Conservative candidate Antony Little said the plan for a unitary council was "not affordable" and "has no measure of support by local people".
The issue of a unitary authority has also been raised - in 2007 the government rejected plans to scrap the county's six district councils.
The National Housing Federation (NHF) said the number, including the Plymouth and Torbay unitary areas, increased from 28, 500 in 2010 to 40, 600 in 2011.